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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis (ročník 65), 2017, č. 1

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Š t ú d i e

Herucová, Angelika: Vojna o babenberské dedičstvo a Štefan V. ... 3
Hronček, Pavel – Budaj, Martin: Technika dobývania a počiatky ťažby zlata a striebra v doline Štiavničky v Nízkych Tatrách ... 25
Županič, Jan: Zapomenutá elita. Nobilitace židů v Rakouském císařství ... 47
Magocsi, Paul Robert: Tradícia autonómie na Karpatskej Rusi ... 79
Fiamová, Martina: Zmeny v pozemkovom vlastníctve na Slovensku v rokoch 1939 – 1945 ... 99


Šedivý, Juraj: Od historických atlasov miest ku komplexným pamäťovým portálom. Digitalizácia ako zmena diskurzu v urbánnej historiografii ... 119


Tajták, Ladislav: Poznámky k dielu: Peter Kónya a kol. Dejiny Uhorska (1000 – 1918) ... 133

R e c e n z i e

Nodl, Martin: Středověk v nás (Hana Chorvátová) ... 141
Kiss, László: A jó palócok és tót atyafiak orvosai (Katarína Pekařová) ... 144
Kováčová, Anna: Po stopách slovenskej minulosti Budapešti (Ľuboš Kačírek) ... 147
Jančík, Drahomír – Štolleová, Barbora (Eds.): Pivo, zbrane, tvarůžky. Podnikatelé meziválečného Československa ve víru konjunktur a krizí (Ľudovít Hallon) ... 151
Štefanský, Michal – Michálek, Slavomír: Míľniky studenej vojny a ich vplyv na Československo. Od Trumanovej doktríny po Vietnam (Pavol Petruf) ... 156

Glosy ... 163

Kronika ... 171

Obhájené práce ... 186


A r t i c l e s

Herucová, Angelika: The war over the Babenberg Heritage and Stephen V. ... 3
Hronček, Pavel – Budaj, Martin: The techniques of extraction and the beginnings of production of gold and silver in the Štiavnička valley of the Nízke Tatry Mountains ... 25
Županič, Jan: A forgotten elite. The ennoblement of Jews in the Austrian Empire ... 47
Magocsi, Paul Robert: The Heritage of Autonomy in Carpathian Rus’ ... 79
Fiamová, Martina: Changes in land ownership in Slovakia in the period 1939–1945 ... 99


Šedivý, Juraj: From historical atlases to comprehensive memory portals. Digitalization as a change of discourse in urban historiography ... 119


Tajták, Ladislav: Notes on the work: Peter Kónya et al. A History of the Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1918) ... 133

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Herucová, Angelika: Der Krieg um das Erbe der Babenberger und Stephan V. ... 3
Hronček, Pavel – Budaj, Martin: Die Technik des Abbaus und die Anfänge der Förderung von Gold in dem Tal Štiavnička in der Niedrigen Tatra ... 25
Županič, Jan: Vergessene Elite. Nobilitierung der Juden in dem Kaisertum Österreich ... 47
Magocsi, Paul Robert: Das Erbe der Autonomie in der Karpatischen Rus‘ ... 79
Fiamová, Martina: Änderungen an dem Grundstückseigentum in der Slowakei in den Jahren 1939 – 1945 ... 99


Šedivý, Juraj: Von historischen Atlassen der Städte zu den komplexen Speicherportalen Digitalisierung als Änderung des Diskurses in der urbanen Geschichtsschreibung ... 119


Tajták, Ladislav: Notizen zum Werk: Peter Kónya und Koll. Die Geschichte Ungarns (1000-1918) ... 133

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

HERUCOVÁ, Angelika. The war over the Babenberg Heritage and Stephen V.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 1, pp. 3-24, Bratislava.

The paper focuses in a wider context on the foreign politics of the Kingdom of Hungary during the reign of Stephen V with an emphasis on his visit to Kraków. It elucidates the situation in Central Europe from the 1250s to 1270s, when Stephen ascended to the throne, as well as the circumstances, which led to the events of his reign. It recounts the causes, aims, course and diplomatic methods of the Hungarian delegation during their visit to Kraków, the role of St Stanislaw in the Polish environment, the reasons for their achievements, and the results of them succeeding in making the Duke of Kraków an ally.

Key words: Kingdom of Hungary. 13th century. Stephen V. St Stanislaw. War of the Babenberg Succession. Přemysl Otokar II.

HRONČEK, Pavel – BUDAJ, Martin. The techniques of extraction and the beginnings of production of gold and silver in the Štiavnička valley of the Nízke Tatry Mountains.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, č. 1, pp. 25-46, Bratislava.

The study presents the techniques used in the surface and underground extraction of gold in the Middle Ages and reconstructs the history of precious metal production in the Štiavnička valley of the Nízke Tatry Mountains in the historic territory of Brezno up to the end of the 16th century.
The first part of the work deals with the history of panning for gold in the Štiavnička valley. On the basis of archive and field research, we succeeded in identifying and reconstructing the gold producing areas, which had an area of more than 100 ha. We analysed the form of the production area. We describe the technical procedures for obtaining the gold-bearing material and the subsequent extraction of the gold. It was precisely the alluvial gold obtained from the Štiavnička valley that made Brezno one of the prospering mining towns of the Kingdom of Hungary in the 14th and 15th centuries.
In the second part of the article we analyse the beginnings of underground mining of gold and silver ores in the mines of the Štiavnička valley in the 16th century. On the basis of archive and field research, as well as using published expert works we analysed the techniques for extracting, transporting and processing the precious metal ores in the Štiavnička valley. We also mention specific examples of remains in the present landscape. In connection with the techniques for extracting ore in the late Middle Ages and on the basis of archive documents we worked out the history of extraction of gold and other precious metals in the Štiavnčka valley up to the end of the 16th century. We can regard the period up to the end of the 16th century as the golden age of gold or precious metal mining in the Brezno area. In the 17th and especially in the 18th century, extraction of iron ore came into the foreground in this area.

Key words: Gold. Panning for gold. Underground mining. Gold and silver. Extraction techniques used up to the end of the 16th century. Štiavnička valley. Nízke Tatry Mountains. Historic territory of Brezno.

ŽUPANIČ, Jan. A forgotten elite. The ennoblement of Jews in the Austrian Empire.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 1, pp. 47-78, Bratislava.

The aim of the study is to summarize the development of the Jewish nobility, which meant people of Jewish religion or origin in the Danubian Monarchy and especially to identify specific features of their ennoblement. It covers the development of the granting of noble titles to these persons and attempts to identify the main milestones of ennoblement. It also compares the ennoblement policies of the Austrian and Prussian monarchs in relation to individuals of Jewish religion and origin.

Key words: Nobility. Jews. Austria-Hungary. Ennoblement.

MAGOCSI, Paul Robert. The Heritage of Autonomy in Carpathian Rus’.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 1, pp. 79-97, Bratislava.

As the Soviet Union disintegrated and eventually dissolved in 1991 many of its peoples, both so-called titular nationalities and national minorities, put forth demands for independence or, at the very least, self-rule for territories that were said to be the national homeland of a given people. Among the many peoples who put forward such demands were Carpatho-Rusyns, who, together with fellow citizens of other national backgrounds, demanded autonomy, or self-rule for the region (oblast) of Transcarpathia in far western Ukraine. This essay examines from a historical perspective the question of autonomy or self-rule for Carpatho-Rusyns not only in present-day Ukraine’s Transcarpathian oblast but in all the regions of historic Carpathian Rus’. The autonomy question in Carpathian Rus’ is hardly new, but one that goes back to as long ago as 1848.

Key words: Autonomy. Carpatho-Rusyns. Lemkos. Carpathian Rus’. Trans-carpathian oblast. Austria-Hungary. Czechoslovakia. Soviet Union. Ukraine.

FIAMOVÁ, Martina. Changes in land ownership in Slovakia in the period 1939 – 1945.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 1, pp. 99-117, Bratislava.

The subject matter of land reform and the related issue of ensuring that land was owned by ethnic Slovaks, had already appeared in Slovakia in the time of autonomy after 6 October 1938. Reflections about the change of land ownership from the beginning referred not only to Jews, but also to the land of foreigners, the land allotted within the 1st land reform, as well as to the land of Slovaks. The prepared land reform was supposed to compensate for the iniquities caused by the 1st land reform and return the land back “to the hands of those who truly work on it”. Unlike the owners of shops and enterprises, Jewish landowners did not represent a very large class of people, but even in spite of this fact, the following Aryanization of this Jewish land property was subject to corruption. The local and state authorities as well as common people participated in the process of transferring Jewish land into the hands of “Aryans”. However the Slovak government failed in its effort to create a strong middle class of peasants who would support Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party.

Key words: Slovak Republic 1939–1945. Aryanization. Holocaust. State Land Office.

ŠEDIVÝ, Juraj. From historical atlases to comprehensive memory portals. Digitalization as a change of discourse in urban historiography.

Historický časopis, 2017, 65, 1, pp. 119-132, Bratislava.

Apart from representative monographs on towns, historical atlases of towns became a second main approach for urban historians. In the last two decades digitalization began to influence their conception. At first, digital versions of printed works appeared, and later online portals with two philosophies – one starting from the original conception of atlases, but supplementing the maps with non-cartographic material, and the other starting from databases of sources, which are digitally put into relationship with maps. Comprehensive memory portals, which attempt to combine the two approaches, have also begun to appear in Central Europe. The result could be an entirely new approach to researching and receiving urban history, which will be more convenient for generations with new ways of seeing things.

Keywords: Urban historiography. Comprehensive memory portal. Historical atlas of a town.

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