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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 56, 2/2008

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Š t ú d i e

Chvojka, Michal: Zápas habsburskej polície s tajným hnutím talianskych karbonárov po Viedenskom kongrese ... 223
Martykánová, Darina: Láska, disciplína a budoucnost. Diskurz osmanských intelektuálů o dětech v rodině (1870 - 1918) ... 249
Londák, Miroslav: Koniec ekonomickej reformy v Československu (60. roky 20. storočia) a Slovensko ... 267
Kobus, Andrzej: Československo a poľské leto roku 1980 ... 287


Leikert, Jozef: Ladislav Mňačko v boji s komunistickou mocou ... 315


Paulovičová, Nina: Pohľady na holokaust v kontexte 2. svetovej vojny ... 335


Rychlík, Jan: Obdobie pred Slovenským národným povstaním v správach chorvátskeho vyslanca v Bratislave ... 349

R e c e n z i e

Dangl, Vojtech: Armáda a spoločnosť na prelome 19. a 20. storočia (Milan Podrimavský) ... 385
Russkije i slovaki v XIX. - XX. vv.: kontakty, vzaimodejstvije, stereotipy (Irina Dulebová - Ľubor Matejko) ... 388
Nižňanský, Eduard (ed.): Z dejín holokaustu a jeho popierania. Acta historica Posoniensia VII. (Ľudovít Hallon) ... 392

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Chvojka, Michal: The Struggle of the Habsburg Police with the Secret Italian Carbonari Movement after the Congress of Vienna ... 223
Martykánová, Darina:Love, Discipline and the Future. The discourse of Ottoman intellectuals about children in the family (1870 - 1918) ... 249
Londák, Miroslav: The End of Economic Reform in 1960s Czechoslovakia and Slovakia ... 267
Kobus, Andrzej: Czechoslovakia and the Polish Summer of 1980 ... 287

M a t e r i a l s
Leikert, Jozef: Ladislav Mňačko's struggle against the communist regime ... 315

H o r i z o n s
Paulovičová, Nina: Views of the Holocaust in the Context of the Second World War ... 335

A r c h i v e s
Rychlík, Jan: The Period Before the Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of the Croatian Minister to Bratislava ... 349

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Chvojka, Michal: Kampf der Habsburger Polizei gegen den Geheimbund der italienischen Carbonari nach dem Wiener Kongress ... 223
Martykánová, Darina:Liebe, Disziplin und Zukunft. Ein Diskurs osmanischer Intellektueller über Kinder in der Familie (1870 - 1918) ... 249
Londák, Miroslav: Das Ende der Wirtschaftsreform in der Tschechoslowakei (60-er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts) und die Slowakei ... 267
Kobus, Andrzej: Die Tschechoslowakei und der "polnische Sommer" 1980 ... 287


Leikert, Jozef: Ladislav Mňačko im Kampf gegen die kommunistische Macht ... 315


Paulovičová, Nina: Auffassungen zum Holocaust im Kontext des II. Weltkrieges ... 335


Rychlík, Jan: Die Zeit vor dem Slowakischen Nationalaufstand in den Berichten des kroatischen Botschafters in Bratislava ... 349

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

CHVOJKA, Michal. The Struggle of the Habsburg Police with the Secret Italian Carbonari Movement after the Congress of Vienna. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 2,

pp. 223-248, Bratislava.

This study is concerned with the confrontation between the Habsburg state police and the widespread secret Italian Carbonari movement after the Congress of Vienna. One side had the aim of securing the status quo in the multi-national Austrian Empire, while the other aimed at the creation of a united Italian state. A wide range of police methods are presented, starting with the organization of the police institutions in the Kingdom of Lombardy and Venetia (the General Police Directorates and Post Offices in Milan and Venice), and continuing with the reports of Austrian representatives abroad and cooperation with the individual Italian governments, expressed in rigorous passport, censorship and police regulations and measures. These methods ended with attempts to eliminate real and possible representatives of the opposition, either legally as in the cases of Pellico, Confalonieri or Maroncelli or in some cases arbitrarily as with Maghella. History of the Habsburg Monarchy. History of Italy. History of the Police. Risorgimento. Vormärz Period. Carbonari.

MARTYKÁNOVÁ, Darina. Love, Discipline and the Future. The discourse of Ottoman intellectuals about children in the family (1870 - 1918). Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 2,

pp. 249-266, Bratislava.

The last five decades of the existence of the Ottoman Empire were marked by debates about the future of the Empire. An important part of these was the formulation of a new ideal of childhood, motherhood and fatherhood in harmony with the needs of Ottoman society as defined by its intellectuals. The discourse of progress on which the modernization projects of the reformists were based, meant substantial changes in the perception of the role of the youngest generation in building the new future of the Empire. This was reflected in the emphasis placed on education and discipline. The values of individualism contributed to a redefinition of the child as a unique individual. It is possible to state that the given period meant a substantial turning point in the direction of seeing the child as the future modern citizen. Discourse of progress. Modern. Ottoman Empire. Childhood. Family. State. Discipline. Gender.

LONDÁK, Miroslav. The End of Economic Reform in 1960s Czechoslovakia and Slovakia. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 2,

pp. 267-286, Bratislava.

The aim of the study is to examine, on the basis of documents in the National Archives of the Czech Republic, the final part of the process of economic reform developed in Czechoslovakia almost from the beginning of the 1960s. After the invasion of the occupation armies in August 1968, its end was definitively decided, in spite of the fact that there was still some verbal support for the continued development of the economic reform and some space for the presentation of theoretical views that were not in harmony with the official policy. In this period during 1968, as well as during the so-called pre-spring, Slovak economists formulated some interesting views. History. Czechoslovakia. Slovakia. Economic Reform.

KOBUS, Andrzej. Czechoslovakia and the Polish Summer of 1980. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 2,

pp. 287-313, Bratislava.

During the outbreak of the so-called "Solidarity" revolution in Poland in 1980, Czechoslovakia took an unambiguously negative position towards this movement. This is not at all surprising. However, it is significant that the party and state representatives of Czechoslovakia also adopted a very negative position towards the government of neighbouring Poland after the famous August agreement between representatives of the government and striking workers on the Baltic coast. The situation in Poland, for which the Polish United Workers' Party still bore responsibility, was subjected to very sharp and uncompromising criticism in Czechoslovakia. The author also devotes attention to the considerations and preparations for military intervention in Poland by the USSR, East Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1980. Poland. Czechoslovakia. "Solidarity". Communism. Soviet Bloc. USSR. German Democratic Republic. Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Polish United Workers' Party. Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Socialist Unity Party of Germany. Armed forces of the USSR. Intervention.

LEIKERT, Jozef. Ladislav Mňačko's struggle against the communist regime. Historický časopis, 56, 2, 2008,

pp. 315-333, Bratislava.

Only a few Slovak writers and publicists have remained engraved in the minds of their readers, friends and contemporaries so directly and in such dramatic contrasts as Ladislav Mňačko. It is not surprising that he was one of the most famous Slovak writers and journalists of the 20th century. Nonetheless, not enough attention has been devoted to him from either the historical or literary points of view. Ladislav Mňačko ought to be judged in a wider context with respect to the specific historical time period in which he lived and created. The works "Death's name is Engelchen", "This is what power feels like", "Belated reportages" and "Where the dust roads end" made him famous. He commenced his literary career as a journalist, first he worked as an editor in Rudé právo in Prague, Pravda in Bratislava and twice he was editor-in-chief of the legendary Kultúrny život in Bratislava. He was born at Valašské Klobouky in Moravia, but grew up at Martin, in Slovakia. He was brought up in a proletarian colony, which marked him for life and he became a passionate communist before later changing into one of the greatest critics and opponents of the socialist society. He was feared by the top party officials who he continually criticized. In 1967 he emigrated to Israel, and Czecho-Slovakia stripped him of his state citizenship, took away all his degrees and honours and excluded him from the Writers' Association. Even though he was rehabilitated later and received satisfaction, in 1968 he emigrated and settled in nearby Austria to protest against the entry of the allied armies into Czecho-Slovakia. Following November 1989 he did not hesitate for long and returned home to Slovakia, because even then, despite his age and experience, he was not indifferent to anything in our society. The restless journalist was awakened and there was no area influencing society, politics and the morals of citizens he would not touch. In his articles there were erudition, life experience joined with life-long dreams and wishes and one could sense the heart of a person who was searching for truth all his life when reading them. The article deals with the activities of Ladislav Mňačko in his struggle against the communist regime especially in the time period when he became the editor-in-chief of the most prestigious Slovak newspaper Kultúrny život for the second time and when his books "Belated reportages" and "This is what power feels like" were published in the West and had a significant response not only in his native Czechoslovakia. History. Czechoslovakia. Ladislav Mňačko. Kultúrny život. Communist regime.

PAULOVIČOVÁ, Nina. Views of the Holocaust in the Context of the Second World War. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 2,

pp. 335-348, Bratislava.

The essay looks at how the historiography of some of our former "Western colleagues" dealt with the questions of the Holocaust in the framework of the several sub-contexts of the Second World War, such as the settlement policy of the Third Reich in Eastern Europe, the process of implementing orders on the level of higher and lower military commanders and its influence on the implementation of the "final solution" or the influence of economic and ideological factors on the "final solution". The article describes various currents and trends in the historio-graphy of the holocaust with the aim of pointing to perspectives and levels not considered by Slovak historiography up to now. Holocaust. Second World War. Historiography. Methodology. Settlement policy.Wehrmacht. Internationalism. Functionalism. Economics. Ideology. Region.

RYCHLÍK, Jan. The Period Before the Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of the Croatian Minister to Bratislava. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 2,

pp. 349-384, Bratislava.

On 10th April 1941 the Independent Croat State (NDH) was proclaimed in Zagreb. Slovakia recognized NDH five days later. Croatia and Slovakia were interested in closer cooperation. However, NDH was too weak. The dreams about cooperation in political and economical field did not materialized and the contacts were limited mostly to the culture only. In December 1942 Blaž Lorković, the old member of Ustaša movement and brother of the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affaires, was apointed as Croatian minister to Bratislava. The published documents shows how Lorković saw the situation in Slovakia before the Slovak National Uprising. Croatia. Slovakia. Croat-Slovak relations.

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