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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 60, 2/2012


Š t ú d i e

Steinhübel, Ján: Bratislavský komitát ... 191
Fabricius, Miroslav: Bratislavská plodinová burza (1922 – 1952). Peripetie fungovania jednej inštitúcie ... 215
Sikora, Stanislav: Vývoj vo vedení Komunistickej strany Slovenska od augusta 1968 do apríla 1969 ... 235


Szijártó, István M.: Sociálne a kultúrne dejiny uhorského snemu v 18. storočí: čiastkové výsledky a zrejmé úlohy ... 257


Segľová, Lucia: Samosprávne revolučné orgány v Turci v roku 1918. Mikrohistorický prístup ... 271


Uličný, Ferdinand: Etnonymy Sklávoi, Sclavi, Slovieni, Slováci, Slovania ... 301
Vodrážka, Mirek: Kritická historiografie versus Hitlerovo proroctví v časopise Pamäť národa ... 331

R e c e n z i e

Kónya, Peter a kol.: Konfesionalizácia na Slovensku v 16. – 18. storočí (Ingrid Kušniráková) ... 335
Pál, Judit: Unió vagy „unificáltatás“? Erdély uniója és a királyi biztos működése (1867 – 1872) (Roman Holec) ... 338
Ivantyšynová, Tatiana – Kodajová, Daniela a kol.: Východná dilema strednej Európy (Matej Hanula) ... 342
Sorby, Karol R.: Jún 1967. Šesť dní, ktoré zmenili Blízky východ (Pavol Petruf) ... 346

Glosy ... 349

Kronika ... 359

Obhájené práce ... 370


A r t i c l e s

Steinhübel, Ján: The County of Bratislava ... 191
Fabricius, The Bratislava Agricultural Exchange (1922 – 1952). The Varied Functioning of an Institution ... 215
Sikora, Stanislav: The Development of the Leadership of the Communist Party of Slovakia from August 1968 to April 1969 ... 235

H o r i z o n s

Szijártó, István M.: Social and Cultural History of the Hungarian Diet in the 18th Century: Preliminary results and future tasks ... 257

M a t e r i a l s

Segľová, Lucia: Local revolutionary government in the Turiec region in 1918. A nationalist and micro-historical perspective ... 271


Uličný, Ferdinand: The Ethnonyms: Sklávoi, Sclavi, Slovieni, Slovaks, Slovania ... 301
Vodrážka, Mirek: Critical historiography versus Hitler‘s prophecy in the journal Pamäť národa (Memory of the Nation) ... 331

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Steinhübel, Ján: Bratislavaer (Preßburger) Komitat ... 191
Fabricius, Miroslav: Bratislavaer Börse für landwirtschaftliche Produkte (1922 – 1952). Wendepunkte in der Tätigkeit einer Institution ... 215
Sikora, Stanislav: Entwicklung in der Führung der Kommunistischen Partei der Slowakei seit dem August 1968 bis zum April 1969 ... 235

H o r i z o n s

Szijártó, István M.: Soziale und kulturelle Geschichte des ungarischen Landtags im 18. Jahrhundert: Teilergebnisse und offenkundige Aufgaben ... 257

M a t e r i a l i e n

Segľová, Lucia: Revolutionäre Selbstverwaltungsorgane in Turiec (Turz) im Jahr 1918. Nationalistische und mikrohistorische Perspektive ... 271


Uličný, Ferdinand: Ethnonymen: Sklávoi, Sclavi, Slovieni, Slováci, Slovania ... 301
Vodrážka, Mirek: Die kritische Geschichtsschreibung versus die Prophezeiung von Hitler in der Zeitschrift Pamäť národa (Die Erinnerung der Nation) ... 331


STEINHÜBEL, Ján. The County of Bratislava.

Historický časopis, 2012, 60, 2, pp. 191-214, Bratislava.

The County of Bratislava had its castle district (hradský vidiek, vármegye) and castle shire (hradské španstvo, várispanság). The castle župa was the castle property, where the castle people and castle jobagioni lived. The territory of the Bratislava castle district had three districts: Podhorie, Medzivodie and Čalov (Ostrov – the Island). Three small counties were also subject to the Sheriff sheriff of Bratislava: The County of Stupava consisted of the southern tip of Záhorie. It broke up when the king granted Stupava, Devín and the rest of the County of Stupava to the Austrian Count Ruger of Tallesbrunn, probably in 1296. The County of Šaštín or later Holíč included the greater part of Záhorie. In 1296, King Andrew III granted the County of Holíč, or to be more exact its shire to the deputy sheriff (podžupan) of Bratislava Abraham Ryšavý. The County of Šintava did not have a castle district, but only a small and very scattered shire. The Sheriff of Šintava Truslef died in 1261 and the king gave Šintava Castle and its whole county to Truslef’s brother Leopold.

The County of Bratislava. Bratislava. Stupava. Devín. Šastín. Holíč.

FABRICIUS, Miroslav. The Bratislava Agricultural Exchange (1922 – 1952). The Varied Functioning of an Institution.

Historický časopis, 60, 2,2012, pp. 215-234, Bratislava.

The Bratislava Agricultural Exchange (Bratislavská plodinová burza) was established in 1922. It had two sections, one for trade in agricultural crops and the other for trade in timber. Its organizational structure, administration and the activity of the exchange court were regulated by a statute. In an attempt to contribute to the development of grain production, it established exhibition markets for Slovak barley in the framework of the Danubian Trade Fair (Dunajský veľtrh), and strove to facilitate the international exchange of goods through the port of Bratislava. After the establishment of a grain monopoly and the resulting purchase of grain, animal feed and milled products only at official prices, the exchange lost its function in the field of fixing prices. After the formation of the Slovak Republic in 1939, it was transformed into the Bratislava Exchange (Bratislavská burza), and its activity was widened to include a financial section. It traded in securities and foreign currencies, but in shares only sporadically. The introduction of a planned economy and centrally planned direction of the economy narrowed its activity to an arbitration function and expert activity. It was dissolved in 1952.

History, Bratislava Agricultural Exchange. Danubian Trade Fair. Exchange rules. Arbitration court. Expert activity. Grain monopoly. Planned economy.

SIKORA, Stanislav. The Development of the Leadership of the Communist Party of Slovakia from August 1968 to April 1969.

Historický časopis, 2012, 60, 2, pp. 235-256, Bratislava.

The study considers the development in the leadership of the Communist Party of Slovakia, a regional organization of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia from the occupation of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic by the armies of the Warsaw pact and the extraordinary congress of the CPS at the end of August 1968 until the appointment of its leading representative G. Husák to the function of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC in mid April 1969. In this period, the leadership of the CPS underwent a turbulent political development from an exemplary reformist communist body with the potential to continue the reforms at least to a limited degree, into a united bloc of Husák’s realists, who had the ambition to extend the Normalization process to the whole CPC. Apart from the objective international and internal political situation, this change was also strongly influenced by the high political ambitions of G. Husák, who showed his true face in this period, as a pragmatic political utilitarian, although, paradoxically, he had stood at the head of the reformist communists in the CPS from January to August 1968.

The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in 1968-1969. Communist Party of Slovakia. Invasion of Czechoslovakia by the armies of the Warsaw Pact. The coming of Gustáv Husák to power in mid April 1969.

SZIJÁRTÓ, István M. Social and Cultural History of the Hungarian Diet in the 18th Century: Preliminary results and future tasks.

Historický časopis, 2012, 60, 2, pp. 257-269, Bratislava.

A renewed interest in the history of the early modern Hungarian estates enables us to review this field of scholarship, to sum up the most recent results of the history of the Diet, the central institution of Hungarian politics in the 18th century, to map the various possibilities offered by social and cultural history, and to point out the opportunity to apply a microhistorical approach. Finally, the essay examines a hypothesis on a decisive change in 18th-century Hungarian politics, a mid-century shift from the ‘confessionalism of the estates’ to the ‘constitutionalism of the estates’.

Historiography. Kingdom of Hungary. 18th century. Diet. Confessionalism vs constitutionalism.

SEGĽOVÁ, Lucia. Local revolutionary government in the Turiec region in 1918. Micro-historical perspective.

Historický časopis, 2012, 60, 2, pp. 271-299, Bratislava.

At the end of October 1918 the process of dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the establishment of the new Czechoslovak state began. With the effect of modern theories of nationalism and micro-analysis the study surveys the behaviour and statements of people connected with local governments in three neighbouring localities in the north of Slovakia in the time following the acceptance of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation (30. 10. 1918). The study analyses six different local government authorities, which arose in the surveyed localities. The subjects of study are the conditions for the formation of local government authorities, their proclamations towards nations (Slovak and Hungarian), states (Hungary and Czechoslovakia) and their means of mutual cooperation.

History of Slovakia 1918-1919. Nationalism. Social movement. Dissolution of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Establishment of Czechoslovakia. Turiec region. Micro-analysis. Local Revolutionary Government.

ULIČNÝ, Ferdinand. The Ethnonyms: Sklávoi, Sclavi, Slovieni, Slovaks, Slovania.

Historický časopis, 2012, 60, 2, pp. 301-330, Bratislava.

The author has researched from the historical point of view the origin, development and especially the relationships between the ethnonyms: Greek Sklávoi, Latin Sclavi, Slavonic Slovieni and Slovak Slováci (Slovaks) and Slovania (Slavs). As a source base, he used the occurrences of these and a larger number of related ethnonyms, namely: Anti, Czechs, Croats, Korutánci, Moravians, Obodriti, Predenecenti, Poles, Russians, Sakaliba, Serbs, Veleti, Vinedi, in written sources from the 6th to the mid 19th century. The findings correct or overturn the existing views of numerous Slovak and other linguists and historians. The main finding of the author can be briefly expressed by the historical and linguistic relationship: Sklávoi → Slovieni → Sloveni → Slovaks, Slovania.

Slovakia. History. Slovieni. Slovaks. Slavs. Slavonic studies.


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