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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 53, 3/2005


Š t ú d i e

K e r e c, Darja: Balogovci - predkovia významného rodu Séčiovcov ... 429
R y b á ř o v á, Petra: Prejavy politického antisemitizmu v Nitrianskej župe v osemdesiatych rokoch 19. storočia ... 443
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa - O l e j n í k, Milan: Od pozitivizmu k negativizmu - Karpatonemecká strana v období predmníchovskej ČSR ... 467
P e t r a n s k ý, Ivan A.: Pôdohospodárske majetky katolíckej cirkvi a pozemková reforma na Slovensku v rokoch 1945 - 1950 ... 487

M a t e r i á l y

P e l č á k o v á, Dagmar: Česko-slovenská anketa v časopise Prúdy z roku 1914 (1919) a otázka vzájomnosti ... 505
S o r b y, Karol: Sýria v centre blízkovýchodného mocenského zápasu (1955 - 1957) ... 523

R o z h ľ a d y

P a p a j í k, David: Stavy a majetek na Moravě ve 14.-16. století ... 545

D i s k u s i a

D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: K niektorým problémom slovenskej historiografie ... 559
K ó n y a, Peter: K dejinám kresťanstva a reformácie na Slovensku ... 561

R e c e n z i e

Žena a právo. Spoločenské a právne postavenie žien v minulosti (A. Švecová) ... 569
Slavistyka. Dmytro Čyževskyj i svitova slavistyka. zv. 1. (M. Nevrlý) ... 573
Sozialistische Helden. Eine Kulturgeschichte von Propagandafiguren in Osteuropa und der DDR (G. Dudeková) ... 575
F r e i f e l d, Alice: Nationalism and the Crowd in Liberal Hungary, 1848-1914 (L. Vörös) ... 580

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

K e r e c, Darja: The Baloghs - Predecessors of the Important Family of Szécsis' ... 429
R y b á ř o v á, Petra: Political Antisemitism in the 1880s in Nitra District ... 443
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa - O l e j n í k, Milan: From Positivism to Negativism - Karpathendeutsche Partei in the Period of Pre-Munich Czechoslovak Republic ... 476
P e t r a n s k ý, Ivan A.: Agricultural Property of the Catholic Church in Slovakia and the Agrarian Reform in the Year 1945-1950 ... 487

M a t e r i a l s

P e l č á k o v á, Dagmar: Czechoslovak Survey of Prúdy Magazine in the Year 1914 (1919) and the Question of Mutuality ... 505
S o r b y, Karol: Syria in the Centre of the Middle Eastern Power Struggle (1955-1957) ... 523

H o r i z o n s

P a p a j í k, David: Estates and Property in Moravia in the 14th - 16th Centuries ... 545

D i s c u s s i o n

D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: On Some Problems of Slovak Historiography ... 559
K ó n y a, Peter: History of Christianity and Reformation in Slovakia ... 561

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

K e r e c, Darja: Das Geschlecht Balogh - die Vorfahren des bedeutenden Geschlechts Szécsio ... 429
R y b á ř o v á, Petra: Die Anzeichen des politischen Antisemitismus im Nitraer Gau in den 80er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts ... 443
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa - O l e j n í k, Milan: Vom Positivismus zum Negativismus (Der Anteil der Karpathendeutschen Partei im politischen Leben der deutschen Minoritän in der Slowakei in der Zeit der Vormünchener Tschechoslowakischen Republik) ... 467
P e t r a n s k ý, Ivan A.: Die katholischen bodenwirtschaftlichen Güter und die Bodenreform in der Slowakei nach dem II. Weltkrieg ... 487

M a t e r i a l i e n

P e l č á k o v á, Dagmar: Die tschechisch-slowakische Umfrage im Magazin Prúdy aus dem Jahr 1914 (1919) und die Frage der Gegenseitigkeit ... 505
S o r b y, Karol: Syrien im Zentrum des Machtkampfes im Näheren Osten (1955-1957) ... 523

R u n d s c h a u

P a p a j í k, David: Die Stände und das Besitztum im Mähren im 14.-16. Jahrhundert ... 545

D i s k u s s i o n

D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: Zu einigen Problemen der slowakischen Geschichtsschreibung ... 559
K ó n y a, Peter: Zur Gechichte des Christentumg und der Reformation in der Slowakei ... 561

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

KOREC, D.: The Baloghs – Predecessors of the important Family of Szécsis’.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, pp. 429–442, Bratislava.

The author of the present study deals with the problem of deciphering the origin of the old Gemer Balogh family and Szécsis as their followers who were significant secular and religious representatives in the Middle Ages. The author has come to a conclusion that the Baloghs, if they are[as Šimon of Kéza states in his chronicle] of German origin, arrived in Hungary sometime in the mid – eleventh century. Current historical documents devote less attention to the relation between the Baloghs and the Szécsis. The author has successfully proved the relationship between these two families. The Szécsis, who entered higher nobility in the 14th century, represent an individual branch of the Baloghs. To prove this, the author has used all the documents available, including the results of her heraldic research which confirms their common origin.

History. Hungary. The Baloghs – Predecessors of the important Family of the Szécsis’.

RYBÁŘOVÁ, P.: Political Antisemitism in the 1880s in Nitra District.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, 2005, pp. 443–466, Bratislava.

Országos Antiszemita Párt, a new political party, entered the Hungarian political stage in 1883. There were several factors responible for its establishment: namely the fear of vast influx of Jews from Russia and the case of supposed ritual murder in Tiszaeszlári. The party was successful in the places where there was a decline of the middle class and small lan¬dow¬ners and also in the communities where the Jews became leaseholders. Nitra district be¬ca¬me famous for two names: a priest and a member of parliament: Ferenc Komlóssy and Ignác Zimándy. The study deals with open agression against Jews and with the spread of ideas of political antisemitism among the ethnically diversified inhabitants in the Nitra district.

History. Hungary. Political Antisemitism in the 1880s in Nitra District.

GABZDILOVÁ, S. – OLEJNÍk, M.: From Positivism to Negativism – Karpathendeutsche Partei in the Period of Pre-Munich Czechoslovak Republic.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, 2005, pp. 467–486, Bratislava.

Due to the democratic character of the first Czechoslovak Republic, minorities living on Slovak territory could apply their political preferences through parties organized on the ethnic principle. This was also the case with the of German minority. Apart from the pro-Hungarian Zipser deutsche Partei, the Karpathendeutsche Partei, founded at the end of the twenties, was the most important political party which represented the majority of Germans in Slovakia. The KdP assumed a for¬mative role in the political development of the German community during the third decade of the twentieth century and it was successful in¬tegra¬ting a growing share of German population. The increased power of Hitler in Germany had an impact upon the KdP’s political transfor¬ma¬tion which subsequently abandoned its pre¬viously proclaimed loyalty to the Czechoslovak state and became a part of the Sude¬ten-deutsche Partei and incited nationalistic sentiments among the German population in Slo¬vakia. Such a developments contributed to the destruction of Czechoslovakia and had tragic consequences even for the Germans of Slovakia.

History. Slovakia. KdP in the period of Pre-Munich Czechoslovak Republic.

PETRANSKÝ, I. A.: Agricultural Property of the Catholic Church in Slovakia and the Agrarian Reform in the Years 1945–1950.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, 2005, pp. 487–504, Bratislava.

The Catholic Church was affected very much by the post-war agrarian reform in Slovakia. The agrarian reform of the post-war period was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, according to the resolutions of the Slovak National Council, the reform touched German and Hungarian properties, but [in spite of some efforts] the property of the Church was not touched. The second stage followed the law and revision of the pre-war agrarian reform of July 1947. Following that law most of church agricultural land and forests were confiscated during the year 1948. The smallest church agricultural properties were confiscated according to the law of March 1948 which defined the new agrarian reform. That was the third stage of post-war agrarian reform. The Catholic Church in Slovakia lost almost all its agricultural property by the beginning of the 1950s.

History. Slovakia. Agricultural properties of the Catholic Church and the agrarian reform in the years 1945–1950.

PELČÁKOVÁ, D.: Czechoslovak Survey of Prúdy Magazine in the Year 1914 (1919) and the Question of Mutuality.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, 2005, pp. 505–522, Bratislava.

The study analyses the survey done by Prúdy Magazine in the period before the First World War started. It reflected Czech and Slovak opinion on Czecho-Slovak mutuality in various parts of social and economic life. The answers of Czech and Slovak cultural, political and economic representatives show different standpoints on Czechoslovak national unity. The Slovak representatives presented more differentiated standpoints. The Slovak respondents were more optimistic in the question of preserving Slovak language. But the survey also proved national movements in Central European territory. The survey on Czech-Slovak mutuality could notbe published because the First World War started.

History. Hungary. Czechoslovak survey of Prúdy magazine in the year 1914 (1919) and the question of mutuality.

SORBY, K.: Syria in the Centre of the Middle Eastern Power Struggle.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, 2005, pp. 523–544, Bratislava.

Syria has been an important centre for Arab nationalists for centuries and the Syrians see themselves as the natural leaders of Arab nationalism. By the time Syria gained its independence from the French, Syrian leaders were divided on how to pursue their goal of Arab unity. The country was full of political parties; the army was indoctrinated and politicized; social cleavages were extreme; the rich and influential Syrian families were opposed to any change in the status quo; the communists wanted a revolutionary Syria. Externally, Syria was the subject of constant outside intrigues: the West wanted to see a pro-Western Syria; the East worked hard to win Syrian friendship; for decades the Hashimite kings of Iraq and Jordan had wanted to bring Syria under their control. However, the regional dimension played a decisive role and Egypt’s stand was of supreme importance. The roots of the conflict lay not in the Syrian tilt toward the Soviet bloc, but in the US attempt to dominate the region.

History. Syria. Syria in the Centre of the Middle Eastern Power Struggle, 1955–1957.

PAPAJÍK, D.: Estates and Property in Moravia in the 14th–16th Centuries.

Historický časopis, 53, 3, 2005, pp. 545–558, Bratislava.

The author deals with changes in properties in Moravia during the 14th–16th centuries. These changes were investigated in the intervals of 50 years (1375, 1420, 1475, 1525) and within five basic categories: landlord, church, higher nobility, lower nobility and citizens. Their property was investigated together with the ownership of villages, towns and cities. In that period the number of villages diminished and the number of towns and cities increased. In 1375 almost one fifth of villages disappeared. The property of landlords in villages disappeared before the Hussite revolution took place. The Church was not affected so much as in Bohemia. In the investigated period the property of the higher nobility was growing at the expense of the King and in later 15th century at the expense of the lower nobility. The property of the lower nobility increased significantly (but only temporarily) during the Hussite period.

History. Moravia. Estates and Property in Moravia in the 14th–16th Centuries.


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