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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 47, 1/1999


Š t ú d i e

P e r n i š, Jaroslav: Posledná anjouovská kráľovná Mária Uhorská (1371-1395) ... 3
O s l a n s k ý, František: K vizitácii benediktínskych kláštorov na Slovensku začiatkom 16. storočia ... 18
H a r a k s i m, Ľudovít: Základatelia marxizmu o malých slovanských národoch Podunajskej monarchie v revolučných rokoch 1848-1849 ... 33
Š v o r c, Peter: Prouhorské integračné snahy na území Slovenska na konci roku 1918 ... 44
P a v l e n k o, Mykola: Politika Československa k internovaným ukrajinským vojakom v rokoch 1919-1923 ... 56
P e š e k, Jan: Štát a rímskokatolícka cirkev na Slovensku v období prvej krízy totalitného režimu (1953-1957) ... 70

R o z h ľ a d y

P r ô č k o v á, Florentína: Vietnam a krajiny juhovýchodnej Ázie v povojnovom období ... 88

A r c h í v

B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián: Zasadnutie Slovenského snemu 14. marca 1939 ... 105

R e c e n z i e

H o r v á t h, P.: Anton Bernolák (1762-1813). Pôvod a osudy jeho rodiny. Život a dielo (E. Kowalská) ... 115
K l i m e k, A. : Říjen 1918. Vznik Československa (R. Holec) ... 117
N e m i r o v s k i j, E.: Gesamtkatalog der Frühdrucke in kyrilischen Schrift (E. Frimmová-P. Žeňuch) ... 119
S ö n a m G j a l c c h ä n: Zrcadlo králů (M. Slobodník) ... 121

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

P e r n i š, Jaroslav: The last Anjou queen Mary of Hungary (1371-1395) ... 3
O s l a n s k ý, František: Visitations of Benedictines' monasteries in Slovakia at the beginning of the 16th century ... 18
H a r a k s i m, Ľudovít: The establishers of marxism about the role of small Slavonic nations in the monarchy along the Danube river during the revolutionary years 1848-1849 ... 33
Š v o r c, Peter: The pro-hungarian integration ideas in Slovakia at the end of 1918 ...44
P a v l e n k o, Mykola: The policy of Czechoslovakia towards the interned Ukrainian soldiers in the years 1919-1923 ... 56
P e š e k, Jan: State and Roman Catholic Church in Slovakia during the first crisis of the totalitarian regime (1953-1957) ... 70

H o r i z o n s

P r ô č k o v á, Florentína: Vietnam and the countries of the South-East Asia on the post-war period ... 88

A r c h i v e s

B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián: The Session of the Slovak Parliament on the 14th March 1939 ... 105

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

P e r n i š, Jaroslav: Die letzte Königin der Familie Anjou Marie von Ungarn (1371-1395) ... 3
O s l a n s k ý, František: Zur Visitation der Benediktinerklöster in der Slowakei anfangs des 16. Jahrhunderts ... 18
H a r a k s i m, Ľudovít: Die Gründer des Marxismus über die Rolle der kleinen slawischen Nationen der Donaumonarchie in den Jahren 1848-1849 ... 33
Š v o r c, Peter: Die proungarischen Integrationsbestrebungen in der Slowakei am Ende des Jahres 1918 ... 44
P a v l e n k o, Mykola: Die Politik der Tschechoslowakei zu den internierten ukrainischen Soldaten in den Jahren 1919-1923 ... 56
P e š e k, Jan: Der Staat und die römisch-katholische Kirche in der Slowakei im Zeitabschnitt der ersten Krise des totalitären Regimes (1953-1957) ... 70

R u n d s c h a u

P r ô č k o v á, Florentína: Vietnam und die Länder im südöstlichen Asien im Nachkriegszeitabschnitt ... 88

A r c h i v

B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián: Das Tagen Slowakischer Versamlung am 14. März 1939 ... 105

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E -C H R O N I K

PERNIŠ, J.: The last Anjou queen Mary of Hungary (1371-1395).

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 3-17, Bratislava.

Queen Mary of Hungary was born as the second among three daughters of Hungarian king Louis the Great and his second wife Elisabeth Kotromanitz. By help of his envoys her father started negotiations with the Emperor Charles IV as early as 1372. These negotiations tried to arrange the marriage between Mary and Charles' son Sigmund of Luxemburg. In Autumn 1379 they were engaged in Trnava and Zigmund stayed at the Hungarian court in order to get proper education. After Louis the Great, died his wife decided about another husband for Mary. It was the French king's son. This was considered a betrayal of obligations and the Luxemburgs' responded by military intervention and evoked Sigmund and Mary's marriage. Mary died in pre-mature child birth after having fallen from the horse back. That was the end of almost 100 rule on Anjous in Hungary.

History. Hungary. The last Anjou queen Mary of Hungary (1371-1395).

OSLANSKÝ, F.: Visitations of Benedictines' monasteries in Slovakia at the beginning of the 16th century.

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 18-32, Bratislava.

After having written Saint Benedict's rules in 530, the Benedictines' monasteries became more significant centres of production, copying or illumination of manuscripts as well as the foci of religion. After Nitra bishopry had been established in 880, Benedictines' monastery could be built in Slovakia on Nitra hill Zobor. Saint Benedict's abbey in Svätý Beňadik upon Hron, Saint Benedict's monastery and All Saints' monastery on Skalka near Trenčín, Virgin Mary's Abbey in Klíž, Saint Saviour's Abbey in Lekýr, as well as Virgin Mary's monastery or provostship in Štôla, which were established in the 11th-14th centuries, were mentioned also by the visitation of Benedictines' monasteries of the year 1508. This precious written document, together with the inventory or property register prove personal status, and everyday life in Benedictine's monasteries which existed under very difficult conditions and called for principle reform.

History. Hungary. Visitations of Benedictines' monasteries in Slovakia at the beginning of the 16th century.

HARAKSIM, Ľ.: The establishers of marxism about the role of small Slavonic nations in the monarchy along the Danube river during the revolutionary years 1848-1849.

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 33-43, Bratislava.

The author of the present paper deals with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' articles published in Neue Rheinische Zeitung in Spring 1849 in which small Slavonic nations living in the monarchy along the Danube (Hungary and Austria) were criticized and condemned for their attitude showed in the struggles of 1848-1849. F. Engels considered those nations “nonhistorical“ (according to G. W. F. Hegel) and called them “conter-revolutionary“ and unable to live. He refused their emancipation activities and he said that they should be assimilated. The author of this paper does not deal with the questions of marxist method in historical research.

History. Slovakia. The establishers of marxism on the role of small Slavonic nations in the monarchy alond the Danube river in the years 1848-1849.

ŠVORC, P.: The pro-hungarian integration ideas in Slovakia at the end of 1918.

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 44-55, Bratislava.

In 1918, most of the Slovak population supported and identified themselves with the newly created Czechoslovak Republik. According to the author, that identification was a spontaneous one. However, there were some people who wanted Slovakia to stay a part of Hungary. Those included Hungarians living in Slovakia, the pro-hungarian Germans [who declared the Republic of Zips in Kaisersmarkt (Kežmarok) on 18th November 1918], the high stateauthority clerks, some high clergy of all religions, etc. The same situation was in Eastern Slovakia and the ideologist Viktor Dvorcsak led the pro-hungarians in that part of Slovakia.

History. Slovakia. The pro-hungarian integration ideas in Slovakia at the end of 1918.

PAVLENKO, M.: The policy of Czechoslovakia towards the interned Ukrainian soldiers in the years 1919-1923.

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 56-69, Bratislava.

The troops of Galician army found shelter in Czechoslovakia in their most difficult period in the year 1919. Czechoslovakia offered not only material help, but also the possibility to improve their military mastership, increase their professional standard and education in higher education. Their position reflected internal as well as international factors based on political and economic background. The arrival of Russian and Ukrainian civil and military emigration, which influenced very much the content of material help of interned Ukrainian soldiers, was one of the most important. The Czechoslovak-Polish relations belonged to international factors which influenced significantly the relation of Czechoslovak government to Ukrainian soldiers.

History. Czechoslovakia. Policy of Czechoslovakia to intern Ukrainian soldiers in the years 1919-1923.

PEŠEK, J.: State and Roman Catholic Church in Slovakia during the first crisis of the totalitarian regime (1953-1957).

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 70-87, Bratislava.

The present study is dovoted to the relation of the totalitarian regime and the Roman Catholic Church in Slovakia during the first crisis in the years 1953-1957. In the year 1953 the regime had to accept certain appeasement policy although its policy essence had not changed but on the contrary the Church became active and showed their demands. The development in 1956, which was charakterised by the criticism of Stalin’s deformations, was very dynamic. In Spring 1957, however, the regime in Czechoslovakia overcame its crisis and renewed strong procedures against all Churches, namely against the Roman Catholic Church.

History. Slovakia. State and the Roman Catholic Church in Slovakia during the first crisis of the totalitarian regime (1953-1957).

PRÔČKOVÁ, F.: Vietnam and the countries of the South-East Asia on the post-war period.

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 88-104, Bratislava.

Mutual relations between seven countries in the South-East Asia, which gained independence after the World War II, were the key agent of their existence. There were several development stages which were conditioned by their social-political difference, differences in foreign political orientation and in many cases lack of national consolidation. The situation was complicated not only by mutual territorial demands connected with the division of former colonies, which had artificial borders made by colonial powers, but also by unsolved questions of the sea. Regardless difficult development, the Vietnamese Democratic Republic has become an influential agent in the international relations of the South-East Asia.

History. World History and South-East Asia on the post-war period.

BYSTRICKÝ, V.: The Session of the Slovak Parliament on the 14th March 1939.

Historický časopis, 47, 1, 1999, pp. 105-114, Bratislava.

Dramatic development in the March 1939 has been included in many documents from Slovak, Czech, German, British, French, Hungarian, Polish and other archives majority of which has been published in serious research contributions, as well as a part of popular scientific works or memoirs. Publishing of those documents represents one of basic prerequisites of scientifically objective evaluation of the Slovak nation's past and help the public to penetrate to the complex charakter of those times. Stenographic report on the Slovak Parliament session on the 14th March 1939, i. e. the authentic evidence on the origin of the Slovak state, is one of such documents.

History. Slovakia. The Slovak Parliament session on the 14th March 1939.


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