


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 48, 1/2000


Š t ú d i e

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Uhorské kráľovstvo a Nitrianske kniežatstvo za vlády Štefana I. ... 3
D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: Šľachtici z Ludaníc a kráľ Žigmund Luxemburský ... 35
H o r o b e c, Viktor: Príčiny a následky politickej preorientácie hajtmana Ivana Mazepu roku 1708 ... 45
D u l o v i č, Erik: Osudy a postavenie legionárov na východnom Slovensku v rokoch 1919 - 1929 ... 54
H a l l o n, Ľudovít: Expanzia slovenského finančného kapitálu v účastinných podnikoch v rokoch 1939 - 1944 ... 75
L o n d á k, Miroslav: K niektorým problémom ekonomického vývoja na Slovensku na prelome 50. a 60. rokov ... 99

D i s k u s i a

T a j t á k, Ladislav: K niektorým otázkam interpretácie revolučných rokov 1848 - 1849 na Slovensku ... 113

A r c h í v

P e t r u f, Pavol: Vichystické Francúzsko a diplomatické uznanie Slovenskej republiky ... 131

R e c e n z i e

Úvod do studia hospodářských a sociálních dějin. I. (R. Holec) ... 153
Stredoeurópske národy na križovatkách novodobých dejín 1848 - 1918 (D. Škvarna) ... 155
F a l i s o v á, A.: Zdravotníctvo na Slovensku v medzivojnovom období (G. Dudeková) ... 158
Prvé povojnové voľby v strednej a juhovýchodnej Európe (M. Štefanský) ... 159
K a p l a n, K.: Nebezpečná bezpečnost. Státní bezpečnost 1948 - 1956 (J. Pešek) ... 162
H e u b e r g e r, V.: Unter dem doppel Adler. Die Nationalitäten der Habsburger Monarchie 1848-1918 (P. Švorc) ... 163

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Hungarian kingdom and Nitra Principality in the Stephan I reign ... 3
D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: The noble family of de Ludan and the king Sigismund of Luxemburg ... 35
H o r o b e c, Viktor: The Reasons and Results of Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s political pre-orientation in 1708 ... 45
D u l o v i č, Erik: Legionnaires Eastern Slovakia in the years 1919 - 1929 ... 54
H a l l o n, Ľudovít: The expansion of the Slovak financial capital in shareholding entreprises in 1939 - 1944 ... 75
L o n d á k, Miroslav: On Some Problems in the Economic Development of Slovakia on the Turn of the Fifties and Sixties ... 99

D i s c u s s i o n

T a j t á k, Ladislav: On Some Questions about the Interpretation of Revolutionary Years 1848 - 1849 in Slovakia ... 113

A r c h i v e s

P e t r u f, Pavol: Vichy Frence and the Diplomatic Recognition of the Slovak Republic ... 131

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Das ungarische Königtum und Nitraer Fürstentum unter der Herrschaft von Stephan I. ... 3
D v o ř á k o v á, Daniela: Die Adeligen von Ludanice und der König Sigismund von Luxemburg ... 35
H o r o b e c, Viktor: Die Ursachen und Folgen der politischen Überorientierung von Heitmann Iwan Masepa im Jahre 1708 ... 45
D u l o v i č, Erik: Die Legionäre in der Ostslowakei in den Jahren 1919 - 1929 ... 54
H a l l o n, Ľudovít: Die Expansion des slowakischen Finanzkapitals in den Aktiengesellschaften in den Jahren 1939 - 1944 ... 75
L o n d á k, Miroslav: Zu einigen Problemen der ökonomischen Entwicklung in der Slowakei an der Wende der 50er und 60er Jahre ... 99

D i s k u s s i o n

T a j t á k, Ladislav: Zu einigen Fragen der Interpretation der Revolutionsjahre 1848 - 1849 in der Slowakei ... 113

A r c h i v

P e t r u f, Pavol: Vichy-Frankreich und die diplomatische Anerkennung der Slowakischen Republik ... 131

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

STEINHÜBEL, J.: Hungarian kingdom and Nitra Principality in the Stephan I reign.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 3-34, Bratislava.

The records of Nitra Principality's territorial size have been mantioned in several challenging chronicles which describe it as being temporarily governed by Polish Prince Boleslav Chrabrý at the beginning of the eleventh century. If it is compared with the outline of the oldest Hungarian comitats, situated on its southern and eastern edge: Bratislava, Komárno, Esztergom, Hont, Novohrad and Boršod, the lost contours which separated Nitra region from the rest of Hungarian territory and the map can be precisely situated. They followed the Danube, the ridge of Csehát and Bükk mountains, Tisa between Slaná and Bodrog estuary. Michal’s sons Ladislav Lysý and Vazul were Nitra Princes in the years 1001-1029. Their reign was successful thanks to Boleslav Chrabrý.

History. Hungary. Hungarian kingdom and Nitra Principality in the Stephan I reign.

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, D.: The noble family of de Ludans and the king Sigismund of Luxemburg.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 35-44, Bratislava.

The history of de Ludan family illustrates the position of nobility in medieval Hungarian society. The Ludans’ original property was situated in Turiec. Some members of that family, who served the Hungarian kings, received their property even in Nitra county. In the half of the 13th century they possessed about 40 villages. Such a positive development was stopped during Charles Robert’s reign. This was because of de Ludans’ support for Mathaias Csák of Trenčín. After his death in 1312, the king punished those noblemen who betrayed him and their property was confiscated. The Ludans got another chance only after Sigismund of Lusemburg got the Hungarian throne in 1387.

History. Slovakia. The Ludans and the position of Hungarian nobility in the Middle Ages.

HOROBEC, V.: The Reasons and Results of Hetman Ivan Mazepa’s political pre-orientation in 1708.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 45-53, Bratislava.

The present study deals with anti-Russian uprising of the Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa in the Autumn 1708 which was determined by the changes in the Russian leardership’s policy towards Ukraine, as well as by ignoring its autonomy. Ivan Mazepa and its followers’s political uprising iniciated the Russian Tsar Peter I government's decision on the rapid liquidation of Ukraine’s autonomy and the need for gradual preparation of integration reform. Peter’s I victory in the Northern War and Russia becoming an Empire in 1721 resulted in totally new relations with Ukraine. In 1722 the treaty on international relations and succeeding reforms stopped the autonomy of Ukraine.

History. Ukraine. The reasons and results of political pre-orientation towards Ukraine in 1708.

DULOVIČ, E.: Legionnaires Eastern Slovakia in the years 1919-1929.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 54-74, Bratislava.

Legionnaires, the military part of Czechoslovak resistance abroad, remained present in public life of Eastern Slovakia even after being demobilised. The origin of the first legionnaire associations was connected with the efforts to defend their specific social interests and express their attitudes to changing political in Czechoslovakia. The first branch of Czechoslovak legionnaire community, the most influencial legionnaire organisation in pre-Münich Czechoslovakia, was established in Košice in 1921. By the end of the 20s East Slovakia county included 27 units. Politically it was against the activities of the Slovak Folk Party and Hungarian parties. In the second half of the 20s, when the leginnaire organisations with national, right-wing and trade union orientations were established, its hegemony was shaken.

History. Czechoslovakia. Legionnaires in Eastern Slovakia in the years 1919-1929.

HALLON, Ľ.: The expansion of the Slovak financial capital in shareholding entreprises in 1939-1944.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 75-98, Bratislava.

The plans of Slovak banks to gain control over the entreprises in Slovakia in the years 1939-1944 were only partially successful. It was because of the German capital competition. Those poor results in the process of nationalisation were due to unsatisfactory capital potenctial of Slovak financial capital in a decisive penetration into the key sharholding entreprises and in financing their economic development. Commercial management of the biggest Slovak banks lacked sufficient experience in large capital transactions and financing of big entreprises. The main share in increasing the influence of Slovak financial capital in shareholding entreprises was among six biggest banks including the Tatra bank.

History. Slovakia. The Slovak financial capital in shareholding entreprises in the years 1939-1944.

LONDÁK, M.: On Some Problems in the Economic Development of Slovakia on the Turn of the Fifties and Sixties.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 99-112, Bratislava.

The author of the present study deals with the problems of the economic development in Slovakia on the turn of the fifties and sixties, i. e. in the time after the first crisis in the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia was over and the second investment wave took place and the third Five-Year plan was established. To support the development of industry in Slovakia in 1957 there was a long-term conception of its economic development prepared, but getting its into practice was too complicated. Although the resolutions taken at the beginning of the sixties asked for the support in the development of economy in Slovakia, their introduction to the real life of Slovakia was much slower than in the Czech lands.

History. Slovakia. Problems in the economic development of Slovakia at the turn of the fifties and sixties.

TAJTÁK, L.: On Some Questions about the Interpretation of Revolutionary Years 1848-1849 in Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 113-130, Bratislava.

The author states that in 1848 the Hungarian’s goal: to change a multinational Hungary into a modern Hungarian national state was unreal. History has proved that the refusal of the Slovak nation’s request and the requirements of non-Hungarian nations for transformation of the Habsburg Monarchy into a federation were fatal polital failures. That was also proved by the fact that Vienna and Budapest of 1918 presented those nations with the same offer that had been refused in 1848. Lajos Kossuth had its great part in the victory of pre-revolutionary changes in Hungary. He was not only a patriot, but also a intollerant towards the patriotism of othe non-Hungarian nations; he was not a kind of statesman the multicultural Hungary needed. Although his family had Slovak roots, he was of a negative attitude towards the Slovak question.

History. Slovakia. On some questions on the interpretation of the years 1848-1849 in Slovakia.

PETRUF, P.: Vichy France and the Diplomatic Recognition of the Slovak Republic.

Historický časopis, 48, 1, 2000, pp. 131-152, Bratislava.

The first part of the contribution deals with the relations between Vichy France and the first Slovak Republic; the author’s emphasis is on the question of its recognition by the French state. The second part of the contribution includes 24 documents from the French Republic - Ministry of Foreign Affairs's archives connected with the given question. The documents include the correspondence between the Ministry and French diplomatic representatives in some countries, the analysis of the given question done by the Ministry, the memoires of French diplomats, and other meterials.

History. Slovakia. Vichy France and the diplomatic recognitions of the Slovak Republic.


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