


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 47, 2/1999


Š t ú d i e

G r a u s, Igor: Zápas Banskej Bystrice s vedením turzovsko-fuggerovského mediarskeho podniku o správu baníckeho bratstva Božieho tela ... 173
K o w a l s k á, Eva: Otázka intolerancie po vydaní Tolerančného patentu ... 187
R u m p l e r, Helmut: Rakúska ríšska rada a prechod ku konštitucionalizmu v rokoch 1859-1867 ... 202
H o l e c, Roman: Snahy o ústrednú slovenskú banku pred prvou svetovou vojnou ... 211
B a k k e, Elisabeth: Čechoslovakizmus v školských učebniciach (1918-1938) ... 233

R o z h ľ a d y

K u z m í k, Jozef: O problémoch histórie slovenskej bibliografie ... 254

A r c h í v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Politická situácia v Európe a na Slovensku v rokoch 1941-1943 v správach bulharských diplomatov ... 265

D i s k u s i a

H o r v á t h, Pavel: Neuvážený návrh na zrušenie slovenskej transkripcie starých rodových mien a priezvisk ... 306

R e c e n z i e

P e š e k, J.: Odvrátená tvár totality. (Politické perzekúcie na Slovensku v rokoch 1948-1953)(V. Varinský) ... 316
V n u k, F.: Andrej Hlinka. Tribún slovenského národa (R. Holec) ... 320
Bibliografie českých/československých dějin 1918-1995. Výběr knih, sborniků a článků vydaných v letech 1990-1995. Sv. 1.-2. (A. Sedliaková) ... 322

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

G r a u s, Igor: Banská Bystrica's struggle with Turso-Fugger's leadership in their cooper entreprise for the administration of Mining Brotherhood of Corpus Christi ... 173
K o w a l s k á, Eva: Intolerance after the Issuance of the Toleration Patent ... 187
R u m p l e r, Helmut: Austrian empire's council and the transition to constitutionalism in the years 1859-1867 ... 202
H o l e c, Roman: The efforts for the Central Bank before the World War I. ... 211
B a k k e, Elisabeth: The Czechoslovak Nation Project in the Texbooks ... 233

H o r i z o n s

K u z m í k, Jozef: On the issues of the history of Slovak bibliography ... 254

A r c h i v e s

R y c h l í k, Jan: The Political Situation in Europe and Slovakia in the Years 1941-1943 in the Reports of the Bulgarian Diplomats ... 265

D i s c u s s i o n

H o r v á t h, Pavel: Ill-judged proposal for the abolishment of Slovak transcription of old family names ... 306

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

G r a u s, Igor: Das Ringen der Stadt Banská Bystrica (Neusohl) mit der Leitung des thurso-fuggerischen Kupferhandels um die Verwaltung der Bruderschaft Corporis Christi der Bergleute ... 173
K o w a l s k á, Eva: Intoleranz nach dem Erlaß des Toleranzpatentes ... 187
R u m p l e r, Helmut: Der österreichische Reichsrat und der Durchbruch zum Konstitutionalismus 1859-1867 ... 202
H o l e c, Roman: Die Bestrebungen um eine slowakische Zentralbank vor dem ersten Weltkrieg ... 211
B a k k e, Elisabeth: Der Tschechoslowakismus in den Schulbücher (1918-1938) ... 233

R u n d s c h a u

K u z m í k, Jozef: Über die Probleme der Geschichte der slowakischen Bibliographie ... 254

A r c h i v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Die politische Situation im Europa und in der Slowakei in den Jahren 1941-1943 in den Nachrichten der bulgarischen Diplomaten ... 265

D i s k u s s i o n

H o r v á t h, Pavel: Der unüberlegte Vorschlag auf die Annullierung der slowakischen Transkription der alten Geschlechtsnamen und zunamen ... 306

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

GRAUS, I.: Banská Bystrica’s struggle with Turso-Fugger’s leadership in their cooper entreprise for the administration of Mining Brotherhood of Corpus Christi.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 173-186, Bratislava.

The year 1500 recorded intensive disputes between the town with the management of Turso-Fugger’s copper entreprise about the content and respect for municipal privilages which were accompanied in the second decade of the 16th century by the disputes about the management, administration and financing of the rich brotherhood. In the 1519 the dispute was solved by Luis II in favour of the town. This solution was not accepted by miners and they refused to transfer neither the money, non part of ore exploited from mines into the brotherhood’s treasury. After the mining rebellion was quelled in the years 1525-1526, the Palatine Werböczi’s sentence solved the issues of brotherhood the leadership of which should have been provided by two guild masters from local citizens and two miners.

History. Hungary. Corpus Christi Brotherhood. Copper entreprise.

KOWALSKÁ, E.: Intolerance after the Issuance of the Toleration Patent.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 187-201, Bratislava.

This study investigates the question of the survival of intolerance towards the Evangelicals in Hungary after the Patent of Toleration was issued (1781). While the Patent alleviated the civil status of non-Catholics, the way various administrative organs operated and the attitude of the Catholic public as a whole to the Protestants made putting it into practice more difficult. The study notes individual manifestations of these attitudes but, at the same time, also follows how the evangelical community reacted to the changing situation and their gradual expressions among the public. The implementation of the posibilities offered by the Toleration Patent were checked by the degree of the tolerance of the population, and to a significant degree, upon the attitudes of the clergy in individual localities.

History. Hungary. Inolerance after the Issuance of the Toleratio Patent.

RUMPLER, H.: Austrian empire's council and the transition to constitutionalism in the years 1859-1867.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 202-210, Bratislava.

The Austrian empire of 1859-1867 started a good road to constitutional state. But it was very difficult to decide about the constitution which would fully respect basic rights and parliamentary control. It was even more difficult to respect the requirements of 16 countries and 12 nationalities who were members of the empire. Franz Josef, the Emperor, was pushed into the war against Piemont which he lost. Several days after the peace was signed ion the 15th July 1859 he declared “the improvement in legislature and law“. The public expected radical change in the system of government but in vain. The Austria empire remained supervising country without any mental results until a far ahead republican future.

History. Austria Transition to constitutionalism in the years 1859-1867.

HOLEC, R.: The efforts for the Central Slovak Bank before the World War I.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 211-232, Bratislava.

Since the 60s of the 19th century the need for the establishment of a central Slovak bank was connected with the development of economic nationalism in the Slovak environment. The central Slovak bank meant to be the strongest monetary institution in the fulfilment of many economic and political functions. Tatra Banka was not successful in fulfilling the expectations of its establishers and at the beginning of the 20th century new projects were being prepared. They were initiated by Milan Hodža, the politician, and Július Markovič, the banker. No such a project could work without the help of Czech capital. Therefore all efforts should have been coordinated with Czech banks. At the turn of the centuries this resulted in the establishment of three banks in Budapest, but due to pragmatic economic interests of the Czech capital, they did not meet Slovak's expectations, but on the contrary they initiated further Slovak-Czech conflicts.

History. Slovakia. The efforts for the Slovak bank before the World War I.

BAKKE, E.: The Czechoslovak Nation Project in the Texbooks (1918-1938).

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 233-253, Bratislava.

The article analyses to what extent the Czechoslovak nation project was reflected in Czech and Slovak school textbooks in history, and how Czechoslovak national unity was conceived. There were large variations between Czech and Slovak textbooks for primary school, while the textbooks for secondary school were less nationalist in orientation. The sample of textbooks reflected that the notion of a Czechoslovak nation had at least two meanings: First, Czechs and Slovaks together comprised a Czechoslovak nation with two tribes. Secondly, Slovaks were actually Czechs, only less developed. The former version was more common in the Czech textbooks for primary school, while the latter was more common in the Slovak textbooks.

History. Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovak Nation Project. 1918-1938. School textbooks in history. Czech or Slovak versions. Primary schools. Secondary schools.

KUZMÍK, J.: On the issues of the history of Slovak bibliography.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 254-264, Bratislava.

Ľ. V. Rizner is the establisher of modern bibliography in Slovakia. Except other works he also put together a complex bibliography in the years 1870-1912. Matica slovenská published it in Martin in 1927-1936. In the year 1956 within the reorganized Matica - the National Library in Martin, the centre for the application of the general plan, which dealt with the completion of the retrospective Slovak bibliography of books, periodical, articles and special bibliographies, was established. All that complex work was planned to be done in cooperation with the University Library in Bratislava and State Scientific Library in Košice. The completion of hundreds of bibliographies has been done under the leadership of the National Bibliographic Institute of the Slovak National Library of Matica slovenská. Other scientific institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava contributed with their own bibliographies, namely the Historical Institute and Linguistic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

History. Slovakia. On the issues of the history of Slovak bibliography.

RYCHLÍK, J.: The Political Situation in Europe and Slovakia in the Years 1941-1943 in the Reports of the Bulgarian Diplomats.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, pp. 265-305, Bratislava.

In the years 1941-1943 there were three Bulgarian diplomatic envoys in Slovakia. The reports of Bulgarian diplomats do reflect the Slovak-Hungarian tension, the internal situation, mainly the political struggle between the conservative group in the Hlinka Slovaks People’s Party (HSĽS) around President J. Tiso and the radical fascist group arount Prime Minister V. Tuka and Minister of Interior A. Mach, and the reaction of the Slovak population to the war against the Soviet Union. Minister J. Stratiev evaluted rightly that the conflict between Slovakia and Hungary over the border and the situation of the minorities could not be easily solved and that it served mainly the interests of Germany. In the struggle between J. Tiso and V. Tuka Stratiev came to the conclusion that Tiso was more popular but Tuka and Mach were supported by the Germans.

History. Slovakia. The political situation in Slovakia in the years 1941-1943 in the Reports of the Bulgarian Diplomats.

HORVÁTH, P.: Ill-judged proposal for the abolishment of Slovak transcription of old family names.

Historický časopis, 47, 2, 1999, pp. 306-315, Bratislava.

The author of the present study expresses his disagreement with the proposal E. Kowalská for the abolishment of Slovak transcription of old Hungarian family names which she proposed in the final part of her review of the book about A. Bernolák. Her opinion cannot be accepted because the introduction of Slovak transcription of the names of older Hungarian historical personalities has followed a different development in Slovak and Hungarian spelling. The Hungarian language makes use of the spelling based on components while the Slovak spelling is diacritical. Until recently all the name of the families famous for their roles in Slovak history were written in Hungarian spelling which is unknown to younger generations. Therefore it was necessary to replace this spelling by the graphic system of the Slovak spelling and preserve the linguistic character of the names of Hungarian historical personalities.

History. Slovakia. Transcription of family names.


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