


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 48, 2/2000


Š t ú d i e

Š t e f á n i k, Martin: Pokusy Benátskej republiky o atentát na uhorského kráľa Žigmunda Luxemburského ... 209
F u n d á r k o v á, Anna: Politické pomery v predmoháčskom Uhorsku a kráľovná Mária Habsburská (1521 - 1526) ... 231
B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián: Zahraničnopolitické koncepcie politických strán na Slovensku koncom tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia ...257
K a p l a n, Karel: Jednání československé vlády s Vatikánem v letech 1963 - 1967 ... 283

R o z h ľ a d y

M a n č e v, Krăstjo: Národné stereotypy a politika balkánskych štátov ... 317

M a t e r i á l y

M a r e č k o v á, Sylvie: K sjezdu přátel Slováků 13. 8. 1905 v Hodoníně ... 331

A r c h í v

Č a p l o v i č, Miloslav: Tri dokumenty k slovensko-poľským vzťahom z jari 1938 ... 340

R e c e n z i e

P e š e k, J. - B a r n o v s k ý, M.: Pod kuratelou moci. Cirkvi na Slovensku v rokoch 1953 - 1970 (S. Sikora) ... 349
L o n d á k, M.: Otázky industrializácie Slovenska (1945 - 1960) (Ľ. Hallon) ... 352
Š u t a j, Š.: Občianske politické strany na Slovensku v rokoch 1944 - 1948 (J. Pešek) ... 356
G e š k o v á, Ž. - K r i š k o v á, Ľ.: Bibliografia výročných správ škôl z územia Slovenska za školské roky 1918/19 - 1952/53 (E. Frimmová) ... 358
S z a r k a, L.: Szlovák nemzeti fejlödés - magyar nemzetiségi politika 1867-1918. Slovenský národný vývin - národnostná politika v Uhorsku 1867 - 1918 (R. Holec) ... 359
K r a h w i n k l e r, H.: Friaul im Frühmittelalter. Geschichte einer Region vom Ende des fünften bis zum Ende des zehnten Jahrhunderts (J. Steinhübel) ... 362
Thessaloniki - Magna Moravia (Ľ. Matejko) ... 366
B a k o š, V.: Question of the Nation in Slovak Thought (Several Chapters on the National-Political Thought in Modern Slovakia) (M. Zemko) ... 368
Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples (E. Jakešová) ... 371

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Š t e f á n i k, Martin.: The Attempts of Venetian Republic for Assassination of Sigismund of Luxemburg ... 209
F u n d á r k o v á, Anna: Pre-Mohács Hungary and Mary of Habsburg, the Queen (1521 - 1526) ... 231
B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián: Foreign Political Conceptions of Political Parties in Slovakia in the End of the Thirties of the Twentieth Century ... 257
K a p l a n, Karel: The Negotiations of the Czechoslovak Government with Vatican in the Years 1963 - 1967 ... 283

H o r i z o n s

M a n č e v, Krăstjo: National Stereotypes and Balcan States’ Policy ... 317

M a t e r i a l s

M a r e č k o v á, Sylvie: To the Congress of the Slovaks’ Friends ... 331

A r c h i v e s

Č a p l o v i č, Miloslav: Three Documents to Slovak-Polish Relations of the Spring 1938 ... 340

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Š t e f á n i k, Martin: Die Versuche Venezianische Republik um ein Attentat auf den ungarischen König Sigismund von Luxemburg ... 209
F u n d á r k o v á, Anna: Die politischen Verhältnisse in Ungarn vor Mohács und die Königin Maria Habsburg (1521 - 1526) ... 231
B y s t r i c k ý, Valerián: Die außenpolitische Konzeption der politischen Parteien in der Slowakei Ende der 30er Jahre ... 257
K a p l a n, Karel: Die Verhandlungen der tschechoslowakischen Regierung mit Vatikan in den Jahren 1963 - 1967 ... 283

R u n d s c h a u

M a n č e v, Kăstjo: Die Nationalstereotypen und die Politik der Balkanstaaten ... 317

M a t e r i a l i e

M a r e č k o v á, Sylvie: Zur Versammlung der Freunde der Slowaken am 13. 8. 1905 in Hodonín ... 331

A r c h i v

Č a p l o v i č, Miloslav: Drei Dokumente zu den slowakisch-polnischen Beziehungen am Frühling 1938 ... 340

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

ŠTEFÁNIK, M.: The Attempts of Venetian Republic for Assassination of Sigismund of Luxemburg.

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 209-230, Bratislava.

The conflict between Venice and Hungarian King Sigismund based on their dispute about Dalmatia, culminated in the second decade of the 15th century. After the war of 1411-1413 Sigismund planned commercial bolockade of Venetian Republic. Therefore Venetian Council of the Ten dealt with many proposals for the assassination of the King in the years 1415-1419. The project for poisoning the King did not take place because the risk of disclosure was great and the political and military events after 1420 proved the dominance of Venice in the area. After having signed the two-year alliance and the armistice of the year 1433, it was obvious that Dalmatia would remain under Venice.

History. Hungary. The attempts for assassination of Sigismund of Luxemburg in the years 1415-1419.

FUNDÁRKOVÁ, A.: Pre-Mohács Hungary and Mary of Habsburg, the Queen (1521-1526).

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 231-256, Bratislava.

The present study offers an internal political and foreign-political picture of Hungary in pre-Mohács period (1521-1526). From the viewpoint of the historical development of that state that was a turning- point period. The oligarchy’s hegemony in the Middle Ages became weaker, but the middle nobility was not politically strong enough for taking over the rule. Therefore Hungary struggled then with political, economic and military problems. Louis II, a very weak ruler, influenced by his wife Mary of Habsburg, tried to establish several reforms but with no success. Unfavourable internal political situation in Hungary and its growing international isolation contributed to the country’s defeat from the Osman Empire in the battle of Mohács August 29 1526.

History. Hungary. Pre-Mohács Hungary and Mary of Habsburg, the Queen (1521-1526).

BYSTRICKÝ, V.: Foreign Political Conceptions of Political Parties in Slovakia at the End of the Thirties of the Twentieth Century.

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 257-282, Bratislava.

Political subjects in Slovakia, under complicated development of the thirties of the twentieth century and because of Czechoslovakia being threatened, should have to react to international problems more intensively. They had to establish their foreign-policy programme and establish their attitude to bolshevism, democracy, individual powers, foreign policy, conceptions of security organiosation, the role of state and nation in the Central Europe region. Therefore political parties in Slovakia should have accepted, more than ever, the influence of the foreign-political development in the world.

History. Slovakia. Political parties in Slovakia and their conceptions at the end of the thirties of the twentieth century.

KAPLAN, K.: The Negotiations of the Czechoslovak Government with Vatican in the Years 1963-1967.

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 283-316, Bratislava.

Due to the initiative of Czechoslovak Government, the Czechoslovak-Vatican relations were closed in the year 1950, but not officially interrupted. At the beginning of the 60s Vatican showed (the initiative of the Pope John XXIII) interest in the negotiations on mutual relations and on the position of Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia and the Czechoslovak government replied positively. Several Czechoslovak bishops were allowed to take part in the IInd Vatican Council in Autumn 1962. E. Nécsey, the bishop, brought from Rome Vatican’s proposals for the negotiations on a wide range of existing problems, but the Czechoslovak government kept, however, more or less a wait-and-see policy. Compared to Vatican the Czechoslovak government was in a more favourable situation because they have the situation in Czechoslovakia fully under control.

History. Czechoslovakia. Negotiations of the Czechoslovak government with Vatican in the years 1963-1967.

MANČEV, K.: National Stereotypes and Balcan States’ Policy.

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 317-330, Bratislava.

Prior to being such a multinational and multi-states’area today, the Balcan peninsula was occupied by several subsequent empires: the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Habsburg Empire. The Romans and the Byzantines were very superior over ”the others” which were then considered ”the Barbarians”. Even the Ottoman Empire, or the Ottomans considered themselves ”orthodox” and all the others ”the wrong” believers. In modern times and in the time of national consolidation and during creation of national states, the mutual differentiation of nations has achieved national basis, i. e. not only confession and church, but also the ethnic origin, language, national self-esteem and severeignity are of great significance.

History. Bulgarie. Balcan peninsula. National stereotypes and Balcan states’ policy.

MAREČKOVÁ, S.: To the Congress of the Slovaks’ Friends.

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 331-339, Bratislava.

Slovak exhibition which was taking place since 30. 7. till 3. 9. 1905 in Hodonín intensified the Czech - Slovak cooperation in the times when the crises in society before the First World War started. The political programme of Milan Hodža, who is the founder of the Slovak agrarian movement and in some way also successfull Slovak exhibition in Hodonín, of the atmosphere which was characterized in this work, was orientated namely at the farmers. It was the most numerous part of the Slovak civil society. Its democratic transformation was depended on the economical increase of Slovakia.

History. Hungary. To the Congress of the Friends of Slovaks in Hodonín.

ČAPLOVIČ, M.: Three Documents to Slovak-Polish Relations of the Spring 1938.

Historický časopis, 48, 2, 2000, pp. 340-348, Bratislava.

There has been quite a number of monographs, scientific studies, popular articles and authentic documents on Slovak-Polish, resp. Czechoslovak-Polish relations in the period between wars published. All of them have dealt with the dramatic year 1938 when the conception of Polish rescue regime included also plans about Slovakia. These plans belonged among many anti-Czechoslovak activities of then Polish government which wanted the break of Czechoslovakia. The above mentioned three documents contribute to this problem offering more information and facts.

History. Slovakia. Three documents on Slovak-Polish relations of the Spring 1938.


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