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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 54, 2/2006

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Š t ú d i e

Štefánik, Martin: Morosiniovci v Uhorsku za vlády Ondreja III. a dve verzie o smrti kráľovnej Tommasiny ... 187
Pálffy, Géza: Návrh uhorských radcov na bratislavský korunovačný ceremoniál z roku 1561. Doteraz neznámy zásadný prameň k uhorským kráľovským korunováciám ... 201
Száraz, Peter: Cesta Slovenského spolku za dominanciou v krajanskej komunite v Argentíne a jeho sociálne aktivity v 30. rokoch 20. storočia ... 217
Mičko, Peter: Vplyv nemeckého kapitálu na slovenský drevársky a papierenský priemysel v rokoch 1939 - 1945 ... 245

M a t e r i á l y

Leikert, Jozef: Ladislav Mňačko. Prvý raz šéfredaktorom Kultúrneho života ... 273
Haľko, Jozef - P e š e k, Jan: Kapitulný vikár Ján Dechet - symbol úsilia komunistického režimu v Československu o rozvrátenie katolíckej cirkvy ... 287

R o z h ľ a d y

Valachovič, Pavol: Encyklopédie a moderné technológie ... 305


Rychlík, Jan: Slovenské národné povstanie v správach chorvátskeho diplomata ... 315

R e c e n z i e

Bahlcke, J.: Ungarischer Episkopat und Österreichische Monarchie. Von einer Partnerschaft zur Konfrontation 1686 - 1790 (Eva Kowalská) ... 353
Malíř, J. - Marek, P.(eds.): Politické strany. Vývoj politických stran a hnutí v českých zemích a Československu 1861 - 2004. I. díl: období 1861 - 1938, II. díl: období 1938 - 2004 (Milan Zemko) ... 355
Romsics, G.: Mítosz és emlékezet. A Habsburg Birodalom felbomlása az osztrák és a magyar politikai elit emlékirat-irodalmában (Miroslav Michela) ... 358
Kubů, E. - S c h u l t z, H. (Hg.): Wirtschftsnationalismus als Entwicklungsstrategie ostmitteleuropäischer Eliten (Ľudovít Hallon) ... 361

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Štefánik, Martin: Morosinis in Hungary under the King Andrew III and the two versions of the death of the Queen of Hungary Tommasina ... 187
Pálffy, Géza: The Opinion of the Hungarian Councillors for the Pozsony (Bratislava) Coronation Ceremony from 1561. An Unknown Primary Source on the Hungarian Coronations ... 201
Száraz, Peter: The route of the Slovenský spolok to dominance in the immigrant community in Argentina and its social activities in the 1930s ... 217
Mičko, Peter: The Influence of German capital on the Slovak wood processing industry ... 245

M a t e r i a l s

Leikert, Jozef: Ladislav Mňačko. Chief editor of Kultúrny život for the first time ... 273
Haľko, Jozef - P e š e k, Jan: Chapter Vicar Ján Dechet - A symbol of the violence of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia directed towards subversion of the Catholic Church ... 287

H o r i z o n s

Valachovič, Pavol: Encyclopedias and modern technology ... 305


Rychlík, Jan: Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of the Croatian Diplomat ... 315

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Štefánik, Martin: Die Morosinis in Ungarn unter Andreas III. und zwei Versionen vom Tod der ungarischen Königin Tommasina ... 187
Pálffy, Géza: Das Gutachten der ungarischen Räte über das ungarische Krönungszeremoniell in Pressburg aus dem Jahre 1561. Eine unbekannte wichtige Quelle zur Geschichte der ungarischen Königskrönungen ... 201
Száraz, Peter: Der Weg des Slowakischen Vereins für Dominanz in der Gemeinschaft der Landsleute in Argentinien und seine sozialen Aktivitäten in den 30er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ... 217
Mičko, Peter: Einfluss des deutschen Kapitals auf die slowakische Holz- und Papierindustrie in den Jahren 1939 - 1945 ... 245

M a t e r i a l i e n

Leikert, Jozef: Ladislav Mňačko. Zum ersten Mal Chefredakteur von Kultúrny život ... 273
Haľko, Jozef - P e š e k, Jan: Der Kapitelvikar Ján Dechet: Symbol des Bestrebens des kommunistischens Regimes um die Zersetzung der katholischen Kirche ... 287

R u n d s c h a u

Valachovič, Pavol: Enzyklopädien und moderne Technologien ... 305


Rychlík, Jan: Der Slowakischer Nationalaufstand in den Berichten eines kroatischen Diplomaten ... 315

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

ŠTEFÁNIK, M.: Morosinis in Hungary under the King Andrew III and the two versions of the death of the Queen of Hungary Tommasina.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 187 – 200, Bratislava.

The youngest son of King Andrew II, Stephen lived in exile in Venice, where he married a local noble woman Tommasina Morosini and had a son Andrew with her. After Stephen’s death, Andrew was brought up by his uncle Albertino. Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Hungary the direct line of the House of Arpád died out. Andrew’s candidacy succeeded with the support of the domestic clergy. His succession was opposed by Ladislav’s sister, Maria wife of King Charles II of Naples from the House of Anjou. Aristocrats in the southern part of the kingdom formed the domestic opposition. Andrew was supported by his mother Tommasina and uncle Albertino from Venice. After ten years Andrew III had the situation firmly in his hands thanks to the support of the lesser nobility, but on 14th January 1301 he suddenly died.The official historiography based on the Austrian chronicle of Ottokar von Horneck holds the view that Tommasina already died before him. However, according to a less well-known version of the chronicle of Donato Contarini, she died in her native Venice a few years after her son Andrew.

History. Hungary. Morosinis in Hungary under the King Andrew III and the two versions of the death of the Queen of Hungary Tommasina.

PÁLFFY, G.: The Opinion of the Hungarian Councillors for the Pozsony (Bratislava) Coronation Ceremony from 1561. An Unknown Primary Source on the Hungarian Coronations.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 201 – 216, Bratislava.

The study publishes and analyses the proposed opinion or so called “scenario” for the coronation of the king of Hungary from 1561, deposited in the Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv in Vienna. The Latin document was produced at the request of the Hungarian King Ferdinand I (1526-1564) by the members of the Council of Hungary (Consilium Hungaricum) and presented on 26th March 1561 in Vienna. It explained in detail that as a result of the Ottoman occupation of Székesfehérvár in 1543, the original and traditional coronation place of the kings of Hungary would have to be moved to an entirely new place – Pozsony (Lat. Posonium, today Bratislava), which had been regarded as the administrative centre of internal affairs of the Kingdom of Hungary since 1536. However, the Hungarian prelates and aristocrats still insisted that the coronation ceremony should be carried out according to the old Hungarian traditions. To prepare the opinion they used the Pontificale Romanum, the privileges of the Archbishopric of Esztergom, Hungarian chronicles and the personal experiences of some of the participants in the coronation of Ferdinand I in Székesfehérvár 1527. The previously unknown document became the basic “scenario” for the coronation ceremonies in the early modern age beginning with the coronation of the Hungarian King Maximilian I (1564-1576, as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Maximilian II) in September 1563 and ended with the last Pozsony (Bratislava) coronation in 1830.

History. Hungary. The Opinion of the Hungarian Councillors for the Pozsony (Bratislava) Coronation Ceremony from 1561. An Unknown Primary Source on the Hungarian Coronations.

SZÁRAZ, P.: The route of the Slovenský spolok to dominance in the immigrant community in Argentina and its social activities in the 1930s.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 217 – 244, Bratislava.

The study speaks of the development of the social work of the Slovenský spolok (Slovak Society) in Buenos Aires in the period after its separation from the Zväz československých spolkov (Union of Czechoslovak Societies) in 1930. The charitable and mediating activity of this umbrella organization of immigrant workers from Czechoslovakia in inter-war Argentina was the basis of its influence, so there was a sharp struggle over control of it, ending in its dissolution. The Slovenský spolok finally profited from the development. It was able to take over the activity of the dissolved union to a considerable extent. In the second part of the article, the author comprehensively analyses the work of the Slovenský spolok, its social impact, the problems connected with its operation, as well as the connections and place of this society in the immigrant community. He also devotes attention to other charitable activities of the society in the 1930s.

History. Argentina. The route of the Slovenský spolok to dominance in the immigrant community in Argentina and its social activities in the 1930s.

MIČKO, P.: The Influence of German capital on the Slovak wood processing industry, 1939 – 1945.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 245 – 272, Bratislava.

During the existence of the 1st Slovak Republic the timber industry in Slovakia represented an important aspect of the national economy due to the abundance of timber within the area of Slovakia as well as tradition of Slovak sawtimber, wood pulp and wood processing mills.Thus, the sufficient amount of raw material heralded improvement of the wood processing industry. However, this improvement was limited by the high level of unprocessed timber exports. The exports of raw material were directed mainly to the Third Reich and represented one third of the overall exports of Slovakia. Owing to the fact that the 1st Slovak Republic came into existence mainly because of the will of Adolf Hitler, Nazi Germany tried to achieve maximal influence over the Slovak economy. The task of Slovak economy was to fully support German army operations by supplying necessary raw materials and products. The wood processing industry was not an exception and its importance was predestined by signing of the secret amendment to the “Treaty of Protection” between Germany and Slovakia.

History. Slovak Republic, The Influence of German capital on the Slovak wood processing industry.

LEIKERT, J.: Ladislav Mňačko (Chief editor of Kultúrny život for the first time).

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 273 – 286, Bratislava.

Ladislav Mňačko (1919-1994) was one of the most important Slovak writers of the 20th century. He started his career in Prague as the editor of Rudé právo in the historically important year 1945. Later as chief editor of the weekly Kultúrny život (Cultural Life) in Bratislava, he played an important role in the struggle over the orientation of Slovak culture, literature, art and politics. He was already chief editor of Kultúrny život during the Second Congress of Czechoslovak Writers (22nd – 29th April 1956), at which there was open conflict between the intellectuals and the regime. Under the leadership of Ladislav Mňačko, Kultúrny život unambiguously supported the renewal of literary life and freedom of creativity. The study gives details of the preparation of the congress, its course and especially how it was reported in Kultúrny život. It provides a detailed analysis of the speech of Ladislav Mňačko at the congress, since together with the speeches of the Czech writers Jaroslav Seifert and František Hrubín, it was one of the most revolutionary. Information from archive sources is supplemented by authentic memories of Ladislav Mňačko and other figures in these historic events.

History. Czechoslovakia. Ladislav Mňačko. Chief editor of Kultúrny život for the first time.

HAĽKO, J. – PEŠEK, J.: Chapter Vicar Ján Dechet – A symbol of the violence of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia directed towards subversion of the Catholic Church.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 287 – 304, Bratislava.

After the February coup of 1948, the Catholic priest Ján Dechet (1908-1968) became a collaborator with the Communist Party in its struggle with the Catholic Church. He engaged in the so-called Catholic Action, by which the communist regime endeavoured to achieve the internal subversion of the Church. However, this soon collapsed and the ruling structures oriented themselves towards dominating all the churches with the help of the so-called ecclesiastical legislation from October 1949. Their application included the „imposition“ of supporters or collaborators of the ruling Communist Party in leading positions in the churches. The forcible installation of Ján Dechet as administrator of the Diocese of Banská Bystrica in March 1950 after the death of the Bishop of Banská Bystrica Andrej Škrábik at the beginning of the year. Dechet was formally elected chapter vicar at the beginning of 1951 under pressure from the regime. The Holy See excommu-nicated Dechet and the question of his position within the Catholic Church remained unsolved until his death. Dechet was an internally disturbed person, who led a disorganized personal life in conflict with the principles of priesthood. On the one hand, he served the regime and showed his subservience to it in an extreme way, but on the other he repented of his offences against the Church and begged the bishops for forgiveness. When the „protective hand“ the regime had held over him weakened at the beginning of 1968, opposition to Dechet grew so much that he was not able to confront it. He left the diocese in March 1968 and moved to Bratislava, where he died in June of the same year.

History. Czechoslovakia. Chapter Vicar Ján Dechet – A symbol of the violence of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia directed towards subversion of the Catholic Church.

VALACHOVIČ, P.: Encyclopedias and modern technology.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 305 – 314, Bratislava.

The spread of computer technology has significantly influenced the processing and distribution of all types of information. This trend has also appeared very significantly in the production of encyclopedias and the ways of making them accessible in the widest sense. The digital processing of basic sources of information has many advantages: Text and pictorial information can be made accessible as in classic printed encyclopedias but modern technology also enables the inclusion of audio, film and animated information. Apart from this, high quality programmes enable much more effective work with extensive data bases and provide interested people with information in a structure, which is impossible in a classic printed encyclopedia. At present we can trace three trends in modern digital encyclopedias. Firstly, there are classic encyclopedias made accessible in digital form. They include the classic British, German, French, Italian and Czech encyclopedias, which originated in the last century. However, the digitalization of information enables a much more rapid cycle of revising and publishing these classic encyclopedias. Computer technology and the World Wide Web also enable access to some classic encyclopedias for modern users for whom access to the traditional version is difficult. There is also a trend to produce digital encyclopedias with no classic printed form. ENCARTA is the pioneer in this area. Up to now, the modern digital encyclopedia culminates in works using all means of expression to create encyclopedias and data bases conceived in a modern way. The Italians are producing some of the best examples.

History. Information. Encyclopedias and modern technology.

RYCHLÍK, J.: Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of the Croatian Diplomat.

Historický časopis, 54, 2, 2006, pp. 315 – 352, Bratislava.

As a result of the defeat of Yugoslavia by Germany in April 1941, the Independent Croatian State (NDH) was proclaimed in Zagreb on 10th April 1941. The Slovak state recognized NDH diplomatically on 15 April. Karol Murgaš, first Slovak diplomatic envoy to Zagreb, arrived on 22 May. He had no experience with diplomacy and his activities in Zagreb were problematic. Murgaš remained in Zagreb until November 1941 when he was replaced by Jozef Cieker, a skilled diplomat. His diplomatic rank was that of minister (vyslanec) and the Croatian diplomats in Bratislava had the same rank. There were three Croatian ministers in Bratislava in the years 1941-1945: Dr Dragutin Tóth, Dr. Josip Berković and finally Blaže Lorković, a high official of the Ustaša movement. At the beginning both Zagreb and Bratislava expected a high level of collaboration between the NDH and Slovakia. These expectations, however, were not fulfilled and the cooperation was limited to exchange of goods and cultural contacts. The NDH was too weak and could not be a real partner to Slovakia. The presented documents show how Blaže Lorković saw the Slovak National Uprising. In his evaluation, the uprising was a result of the weak national consciousness of the Slovaks who were – according to him – often closely connected with former Czechoslovakia. In such circumstances the idea of Slovak-German friendship could not obtain much support and the field was opened for the wide-ranging activities of pro-Czechoslovak, Lutheran and Communist elements supported from London and Moscow.

History. Croatia. Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of the Croatian Diplomat.

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