


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 49, 3/2001


Š t ú d i e

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Uhorskí králi a nitrianske kniežatá v rokoch 1046 - 1077 ... 393
U l i č n ý, Ferdinand: Výsadnosť mešťanov od 13. storočia ... 415
H l a v a č k o v á, Miriam: Vzdelanostná úroveň členov Bratislavskej kapituly v 15. storočí ... 433
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa: Situácia nemeckej menšiny na Slovensku pri návrate z evakuácie na jar a v lete 1945 ... 453

T e ó r i a  a  m e t o d o l ó g i a

S e d o v á, Tatiana: K faktu a vysvetleniu v historiografii ... 477

D i s k u s i a

Ž e ň u c h, Peter: K dejinám podkarpatských a východoslovenských Rusínov ... 501

A r c h í v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Obdobie pred Slovenským národným povstaním v správach bulharských diplomatov ... 515

R e c e n z i e

Kronika druhej svetovej vojny (V. Bystrický) ... 535
P e š e k, J.: Nástroj represie a politickej kontroly. Štátna bezpečnosť na Slovensku 1953 - 1970 (V. Varinsky) ... 536
Politická a stavovská zemědělská hnutí ve 20. století (Ľ. Hallon) ... 538
K o v á č i k o v á, D.: Základné otázky dejín sociálnej práce (A. Tokárová - A. Žilová) ... 543
S t a c h u r a, M.: Heretycy, schizmatycy i manichejczycy wobec cesarstwa Rzymskiego (lata 324-428, wschodnia część Impérium) (P. Haviernik) ... 546

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Hungarian Kings and Nitra Princes in the Years 1046-1077 ... 393
U l i č n ý, Ferdinand: From the 13th century the burghers were granted privileges ... 415
H l a v a č k o v á, Miriam: The educational standard of Bratislava chapter's members in the 15 th century ... 433
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa: Status of German minority in Slovakia after its return from evacuation in spring and summer of 1945 ... 453

T h e o r y  a n d  M e t h o d o l o g y

S e d o v á, Tatiana: On the Fact and Explanation in Historiography ... 477

D i s c u s s i o n

Ž e ň u c h, Peter: On the History of Sub-Carpathian and East Slovakian Ruthenians ... 501

A r c h i v e s

R y c h l í k, Jan: The Period before the Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of Bulgarian Diplomats ... 515

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Die ungarische Könige und die Nitraer Fürsten in den Jahren 1046-1077 ... 393
U l i č n ý, Ferdinand: Die Privilegien der Bürger ab dem 13. Jahrhundert ... 415
H l a v a č k o v á, Miriam: Das Bildungsniveau der Mitglieder der Bratislavaer Kapitel im 15. Jahrhundert ... 433
G a b z d i l o v á, Soňa: Die Situation der deutschen Minderheit nach dem Rückker aus der Evakuation in Früihling und Sommer 1945 ... 453

T h e o r i e  u n d  M e t h o d o l o g y

S e d o v á, Tatiana: Zum Fakt und zur Erklärung in der Geschichtsschreibung ... 477

D i s k u s s i o n

Ž e ň u c h, Peter: Zur Geschichte der subkarpatischen und ostslowakischen Ruthenen ... 501

A r c h i v

R y c h l í k, Jan: Die Zeitepoche vor dem Slowakischen Nationalaufstand in den Berichten der bulgarischen Diplomaten ... 515

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

STEINHÜBEL, J.: Hungarian Kings and Nitra Princes in the Years 1046-1077.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 293-414, Bratislava.

In the year 1048 the Hungarian king Andrew I called his brother Bela from Poland and gave him one third of Hungary. Nitra region and Bihar region remained in Bela’s (1048-1060) possession. During the region of the king Solomon Bela’s oldest son Gejza (1063-1074) was Nitra prince. Bela’s second son Ladislaus, who was a prince in Bihar, accepted Gejza being his superior. After their victory over Solomon in March 1074, Gejza became the king and Ladislaus became the Nitra prince (1074-1077). Their youngest brother Lampert became prince in Bihar. In Hungary the kings and princes were appointed according to strict rules. In such a way the establishment of any other branch dynasties among Nitra princes was prevented.

History. Hungary. Hungarian Kings and Nitra princes in the years 1046-1077.

ULIČNÝ, F.: From the 13th century the burghers were granted privileges.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 415-432, Bratislava.

During the 13th century Hungarian burghers and cities continued their development. Burghers were not a new social group of the 13th century and the towns were not totally new settlements either. The existence of Bratislava, Nitra, Trenčín, Uzhgorod before the 13th century has been proved. There are many other documents to prove the existence of other towns, such as Banská Štiavnica, Trnava, Tekov, Zvolen, Krupina, Košice, Prešov, Levoča, Spišské Vlachy, Kežmarok too. The principle of modern democracy, which was a new phenomenon in the legal system of medieval society, was established and developed through electing the municipal representatives and through the choice and election of priests too.

History. Hungaria. Privileges of burghers in the 13th century.

HLAVAČKOVÁ, M.: The educational standard of Bratislava chapter’s members in the 15th century.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 433-452, Bratislava.

The present study gives a picture of the intellectual standard of clergy, joined in Bratislava chapter, which was the first cultural educational centre in Bratislava. In the 15th century its members studied mainly at Vienna University. Graduated canons and provosts were successful in diplomacy and services for the kings, they taught at chapter school and from 1467on they taught also at Istropolitana University. The chapter had a precious manuscript collection which was preserved in the list of the year 1425. Municipal priests in St. Martin’s Cathedrals were selected from the canons. Some canons used to be theological and rhetorical preachers, too.

History. Slovakia. The esucational standard of Bratislava chapter’s members in the 15th century.

GABZDILOVÁ, S.: Status of German minority in Slovakia after its return from evacuation in spring and summer of 1945.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 453-476, Bratislava.

The members of German minority, after their return in Slovakia from evacuation, became victims of an array of restrictions in social, economic and educational area. The principles of so called collective guilt, accepted by Czechoslovak po¬li¬tical leaders and applied against ethnic Germans, made these people disciminated cathegory of population. In spite of fact, that during the first half of 1945 Germans were still Czecholoslovak citizens, because according Constitutional Decree No. 33 from 2. August 1945 they lost Czechoslovak citizenship on 10. August 1945, members of this ethnic group were deprived of all citizenship rights. With exclusion of active combatants against Nazism and members of ethnically mixed marriages, Germans were deprived of their agricultural property and sizeable part of them were placed in concentration camps.

History. Slovakia. Status of German minority in Slovakia of 1945.

SEDOVÁ, T.: On the Fact and Explanation in Historiography.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 477-500, Bratislava.

The present study is focused on the characteristics of historiography, its place in the system of sciences from historiographic and systemic viewpoint. Description and analysis of a historical fact, its epistomological, ontological and methodolo¬gi¬cal status have been mostly dealt with. Making difference between so called brute facts and institutional ones, the author has created the starting point for the inves¬ti¬¬gation of the character and the essence of the fact with regard to social and his¬to¬rical knowledge. In connection with the character of social reality and the fact, the focus has been moved to the explanation and interpretation. Hempel’s scheme R, his concept of rational activity, its limits and possibilities as a tool for expla¬na¬tion in historiography have been dealt with in detail. Although the author refuses strong naturalism in social and historical sciences, she does not refuse the possibility to identify common framework for explanation and interpretation in so¬cial and historical knowledge based on “reform” weak naturalism.

History. Slovakia. Theory and methodology.

ŽEŇUCH, P.: On the History of Sub-Carpathian and East Slovakian Ruthenians.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 501-514, Bratislava.

Cultural-historical development of the Greek Catholic Ruthenians, Slovaks and Hungarians under the Carpathian mountains should be considered a complex issue. Using several examples of linguistic, historical, leterary and cultural-historical aspects the author explains the influence of Slovak linguistic, historical and cultural environment upon the Greek Catholic Church in East Slovakia in the 17th-19th centuries. Although the ecclesiastic Slavonic language is usually considered to be a unifying element in Ruthenians of the Carpathian region, the strong influence of domestic folk language of the region into the system of ecclesiastic Slavonic language has been recorded in written and printed Cyrillic documents which the author studied during his archive and terrain investigation.

History. Slovakia. On the history of Sub-Carpathian and East Slovakian Ruthenians.

RYCHLÍK, J.: The Period Before the Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of Bulgarian Diplomats.

Historický časopis, 49, 3, 2001, pp. 515-534, Bratislava.

In the year 1944 there were two Bulgarian diplomats in Bratislava sending regular reports to Sofia: to the minister Iľja Belinov a and to the press ataché Stefan Gečev. Their reports are showing the gradual disintegration of Slovak state apparatus before the beginning of the Slovak National Uprising, the anti-German feelings of the majority of the Slovak population and developing guerilla movement. Belinov and Gečev reflect the fact that most of the people in Slovakia has no intention to fight on the side of the Germans against the Soviet army and other Allied forces. They have also witnessed growing support of the Slovak people for the re-establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic.

History. Slovakia. The period before the Slovak National Uprising in the Reports of Bulgarian diplomats.


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