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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 52, 3/2004


Š t ú d i e

M u s i l, František: Gesta Hungarorum a histioricko-zemepisný obraz Slovenska ... 433
L y s ý, Miroslav: Politika českého kniežaťa Břetislava I. (1035 - 1055) voči Uhorsku ... 451
B a r n o v s k ý, Michal: Slovenská spoločnosť v zrkadle výskumov verejnej mienky v rokoch 1948 - 1949 ... 469

M a t e r i á l y

M i c h e l a, Miroslav: Reakcia slovenských politických kruhov a tlače na Rothermerovu akciu (1927 - 1928) ... 503

R o z h ľ a d y

Sorby, Karol: Sýria v tieni vojenských prevratov (1946 - 1954) ... 523

A r c h í v

H o l á k, Martin: Listy Andreja Hlinku z rokov 1918 - 1921 ... 545

R e c e n z i e

Ž e ň u c h, P.: Medzi Východom a Západom. Byzantsko-slovanská tradícia, kultúra a jazyk na východnom Slovensku (J. Skladaná) ... 565
Dějiny věku nejistot. Sborník k příležitosti 70. narozenin Dušana Třeštíka (R. Marsina) ... 567
K u b ů, E. - E x n e r, G.: Tschechen und Tschechinen, Vermögensetzung und Restitution (Česi a Češky, konfiškácia majetku a reštitúcia) (Ľ. Hallon) ... 570

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

M u s i l, František: The Gesta Hungarorum and the historical and geographical picture of Slovakia ... 433
L y s ý, Miroslav: The reign of czech prince Břetislav I (1035-1055) and Hungary ... 451
B a r n o v s k ý, Michal: The reflection of Slovak society in public opinion research in the years 1948-1949 ... 469

M a t e r i a l s

M i c h e l a, Miroslav: The reaction caused by Rothermere's action among Slovak cirles and press (1927-1928) ... 503

H o r i z o n s

S o r b y, Karol: Syria in the Shadow of Military Coups, 1946-1954 ... 523

A r c h i v e s

H o l á k, Martin: Andrej Hlinka's letters of the years 1918-1921 ... 545

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

M u s i l, Fratišek:: Gesta Hungarorum's geschichtlich-geographisches Bild der Slowakei ... 433
L y s ý, Miroslav: Die Politik des böhmischen Fürsten Břetislav I. (1035-1055) gegenüber Ungarn ... 31
B a r n o v s k ý, Michal: Die slowakische Gesellschaft im Spiegel der Forschungen der öffentlichen Meinung in den Jahren 1948-1949 ... 469

M a t e r i a l i e n

M i c h e l a, Miroslav: Die Reaktionen der slowakischen politischen Kreisen und der slowakischen Press auf die Rothermers Aktion (1927-1928) ... 503

R u n d s c h a u

S o r b y, Karol: Syrien im Schatten der militärischen Umsturze (1946-1954) ... 523

A r c h i v

H o l á k, Martin: Die Briefe von Andrej Hlinka aus den Jahren 1918-1921 ... 545

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

MUSIL, F.: The Gesta Hungarorum and the historical and geographical picture of Slovakia.

Historický časopis, 52, 3,2004, pp. 433-450, Bratislava.

The study deals with Magister P.'s, known also as Anonymus, geographical knowledge about the territory of present day Slovakia. Magister P. was a chronicler, but his work is more an old Hungarian heroic epos than a chronicle. He fmished it on the turn of the 12lh and 13Ul centuries. Anonymus geographical knowledge were manifested not as a complex geographical description of the Earth, but as a description of the old Hungarian heroes' route from the Carpathian Mountains to the Danube basin. The events, which the author has situated in the time when the old Hungarian tribes entered Central Európe (the end of the 9ltl century), reflect, in fact, the events within a longer time span (10lh - lllh centuries). The study starts with the analysis of Anonymus geographical data about the Earth's border lines, about the mountains and the rivers (just the names).

History. Hungary. The Gesta Hungarorum and the historical picture of Slovakia.

LYSÝ, M.: The reign of czech prince Bfetislav I (1035-1055) and Hungary.

Historický časopis, 52, 3,2004, pp. 451-468, Bratislava.

The Early Moravian (round the year 1029) and later Czech Prince Bfetislav's reign (1035— 1055) represented an intensification of Czech-Hungarian relations. Since the Pfemysl family obtained Moravia (1029) the Czech Lands and Hungary became immediate neighbours and as early as 1030 we witness common campaigns of the Germán Emperor Konrad 11 and Moravian Prince Bfetislav against Hungary. Aľter the changes in Bohémia, Bfetislav had to escapc into exile, most probably in Hungary where he got in touch with the future Hungarian king Peter Orseol. Due to that they were able to keep their anti-German union in the years 1039-1040. After Peter Orseol had been removed from the Hungarian throne and the Czech Lands had been over taken by Henry 111, Bfetislav 1 became the Germán king's vassal. Since then Bfetislav's foreign policy had to be in congruence with the Reich's foreign policy. That was proved by Bfetislav's participation in some Germán campaigns to Hungary against Samuel Ab and Ondrej 1.

History. Hungary. Bohémia. Bfetislav I and Hungary (1035-1055).

BARNOVSKÝ, M.: The reflection of Slovák society in public opinion research in the years 1948-1949.

Historický časopis, 52, 3, 2004, pp. 469-502, Bratislava.

The author starts with the genesis of the Inštitúte for research into public opinion in Bratislava. The next part is devoted to selected results of the research on public opinion in Slovakia in the years 1948-1949 and their analysis. There are 20 tables which illustrate a wide range of adults' opinion in the first years of the Communist regime. The selected research results have been divided into three thematic areas: the first one deals with the national identity of the Slovaks, their relations with the Hungarian minority and the Jewish question; the second one deals with religious problems; and the third one covers a wider area but with a common denominator - the data from the research identify directly or indirectly the attitudes of the respondents to the regime and its proclaimed "socialist values" and "glorious future". The empirical data are accompanied by a brief commentary.

History. Slovakia. Slovák society's reflection in public opinion research in the years 1948-1949.

MICHELA, M.: The reaction caused by Rothermere's action among Slovák circles and press (1927-1928).

Historický časopis, 52, 3, 2004, pp. 503-522, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the investigation of the Slovák government, Slovák political parties and organizations' reaction caused by Rothermere's campaign in the British press of the year 1927 on the review of the post-war borders between Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The author put his emphasis on real activities which resulted from Rothermere's proclamations. He has used lieh resources and journalistic materials. This is an analytic study, based on the knowledge of the problém and its background. It deals with a relatively neglected campaign in the history of Hungarian post-war revisionism - action.

History. Slovakia. Slovák circles and press' reaction caused by Rothermere's action.

SORBY, K.: Sýria in tlie Shadow of Military Coups, 1946-1954.

Historický časopis, 52, 3, 2004, pp. 523-544, Bratislava

The Syrian political leaders who had battled for sovereignty in the mandatory periód, did not work out in detail what to do after securing complete independence. They had the satis- faction of forming the first fully sovereign Syrian republic in April 1946, however the bur- den of independence fell on their shoulders. The young revolutionaries of former days, they now represented the forces of conservatism and reaction in the country. The world had changed and failing to change with it, they were able to maintain their leadership for no mo¬re thán three years. In 1947 Sýria had its first independent election, which was rigged. The final disillusionment was the Palestíne defeat, which shocked the entire Arab world and se- emed to the Syrians to signalize the bankruptcy of the old leadership. The army coup ďétat of March 1949 overthrew the old nationalists and ushered in an era which began with a new leadership and new hope in Syria's capacity to lead the movement of Arab resurrection.

History. The Middle East. Sýria in the Shadow of Military Coups, 1946-1954.

HOLÁK, M.: Andrej Hlinka's letters of the years 1918-1921.

Historický časopis, 52, 3, 2004, pp. 545-564, Bratislava.

The collection of letters was written by Andrej Hlinka, the Catholic priest, politician and the chair of the Slovák National Party for many years. The document Hlinka's active political life in the first years of the Czechoslovak Republic, as well as his numerous othcr activities ín education and charity, banking, insurance and publications. Immediate after the Czechoslovak Republic had been established, A. Hlinka entered high politics - he signet the Martin declaration, he became a member of revolutionary National Assembly and the chair of the National Party which soon became the strongest political group in Slovakia. He also devoted his attention to press, education, various unions, trade unions and religious guestions too. Soon after he returned from a the peace Conference in Paris, A. Hlinka was imprisoned. The letters from Ihe prison, which he wrote to various politicians, are very significant because they make A. Hlinka's picture as a man more complex.

History. Slovakia. Andrej Hlinka and his letters in the years 1918-1921.


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