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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis (ročník 68), 2020, č. 3


Š t ú d i e

Labanc, Peter – Glejtek, Miroslav: Kariéra spišského prepošta Mutimíra. K personálnemu a kultúrnemu transferu v Uhorskom kráľovstve v polovici 13. storočia ... 385
Janura, Tomáš: Nepotizmus v správe Spišskej stolice v rokoch 1711 – 1785 ... 409
Strachová, Milena – Vostrý, Zdeněk: Orel ve stínu sokolských křídel: příspěvek k dějinám katolické tělovýchovné organizace ... 439
Švorc, Peter: Dve periférie v dvoch krajinách október 1918 – január 1919. Východné Slovensko a Uhorská Rus na ceste do Československej republiky ... 463
Szalay, Peter: „Zbúrať! Máme na to zlé rozpomienky“. K histórii odborných a politických diskusií o Bratislavskom hrade na sklonku 1. československej republiky a vojnovej Slovenskej republiky ... 491
Horička, Martin: Život a pôsobenie demokrata Jána Ševčíka vo svetle jeho politických vzťahov ... 517

R o z h ľ a d y

Botek, Andrej: K problematike kňazskej a biskupskej konsekrácie sv. Gorazda ... 545

R e c e n z i e

Fundárková, Anna: Barokový aristokrat (Tünde Lengyelová) ... 561
Zückert, Martin – Schvarc, Michal – Fiamová, Martina: Die Evakuierung der Deutschen aus der Slowakei 1944/45 (Dušan Kováč) ... 564
Londák, Miroslav – Michálek, Slavomír et al.: Dubček; Londák, Miroslav – Michálek, Slavomír (Eds.): Alexander Dubček. The Symbol of Spring (Edita Ivaničková) ... 568

K r o n i k a ... 571


A r t i c l e s

Labanc, Peter – Glejtek, Miroslav: The career of Provost Mutimír of Spiš. On personnel and cultural transfer in the Hungarian kingdom in the mid 13th century ... 385
Janura, Tomáš: Nepotism in the administration of the County of Spiš in the period 1711–1785 ... 409
Strachová, Milena – Vostrý, Zdeněk: The Eagle in the Shadow of the Falcon’s Wings: a contribution to the history of a Catholic gymnastic organization ... 439
Švorc, Peter: Two peripheries in two countries: October 1918 – January 1919. Eastern Slovakia and Hungarian Rus’ on the way to the Czechoslovak Republic ... 463
Szalay, Peter: “Demolish it! It brings back bad memories”. On the history of expert and political discussions of Bratislava Castle at the end of the First Czechoslovak Republic and in the wartime Slovak Republic ... 491
Horička, Martin: Life and Work of Democrat Ján Ševčík in the Light of his Political Relations ... 517

H o r i z o n s

Botek, Andrej: On the problem of the priestly and episcopal consecrations of St. Gorazd ... 545

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Labanc, Peter – Glejtek, Miroslav: Karriere des Zipser Propstes Mutimír (Muthmerius). Zum personalen und kulturellen Transfer im Königreich Ungarn in der Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts ... 385
Janura, Tomáš: Nepotismus im Bericht des Komitats Zips in den Jahren 1711–1785 ... 409
Strachová, Milena – Vostrý, Zdeněk: Adler im Schatten der falkenschwingen: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte einer katholischen Turnorganisation ... 439
Švorc, Peter: Zwei Peripherien in zwei Ländern Oktober 1918 – Januar 1919. Die Ostslowakei und die Karpatenukraine auf dem Weg in die Tschecho-slowakische Republik ... 463
Szalay, Peter: „Niederreißen! Wir haben schlechte Erinnerungen daran“. Zur Geschichte der fachlichen und politischen Diskussionen über die Burg Bratislava gegen Ende der 1. Tschechoslowakischen Republik und der Slowakischen Republik in Kriegszeiten ... 491
Horička, Martin: Das Leben und Wirken des Demokraten Ján Ševčík im Licht seiner politischen Beziehungen ... 517

H o r i z o n s

Botek, Andrej: Zur Problematik der priesterlichen und bischöflichen  Konsekration des hl. Gorazd ... 545

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

LABANC, Peter – GLEJTEK, Miroslav. The career of Provost Mutimír of Spiš. On personnel and cultural transfer in the Hungarian kingdom in the mid 13th century.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 385-407, Bratislava.

The study traces the internal dynamic of society in mid 13th century Hungarian kingdom by means of prosopographical analysis of the career of Provost Mutimír of Spiš. Thanks to systematic archive research, enough written sources have been collected. In addition, a unique object, namely a hitherto unknown seal of Mutimír, has been found. Analysis of this exceptional collection of sources has verified some hypotheses from older expert literature, but some did not stand up to examination and some new ideas have emerged. Reconstruction of Mutimír’s career enables us to examine the method of selection of persons suitable to hold middle level positions in the church hierarchy, and at the courts of members of the royal family. In 21st century corporate language, we could use the designation headhunting. A no less important aspect of such a career was the transfer of the spiritual or intellectual culture, which a person such as Mutimír had acquired from his geographical and social origin, education and previous activity. In the case of Mutimír, we see this not only in his important collection of manuscripts, which he left to Collegiate chapter of Spiš, but also in his seal showing Byzantine influence resulting from his close cooperation with Maria Laskaris, the Byzantine wife of King Bela IV.

Key words: Middle ages. Hungarian kingdom. 13th Century. Provostry of Spiš. Personnel Politics.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.1

JANURA, Tomáš. Nepotism in the administration of the County of Spiš in the period 1711 – 1785.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 409-437, Bratislava.

The study is devoted to the creation of nepotistic ties between individual officials in the administration of the County of Spiš (Comitatus Scepusiensis, Szepes vármegye, Zipser Gespannschaft, Spišská stolica). In comparison with the County of Liptov, the ties between officials in Spiš were usually not on the level of cousin, uncle, nephew, son-in-law, brother-in-law or god-son. On the basis of the surviving registers, it is possible to conclude that the system of ecclesiastical officials also did not develop in Spiš in a similar way to that in Liptov. These phenomena were clearly connected with the lack of a firm marriage alliance between the Görgey and Máriássy families, which were comparable to the two firmly allied Liptov families: the Okolicsányis and Szentiványis. The only deputy sheriff of Spiš to systematically build up a network of relations was Stephen Máriássy.

Key words: Nepotism. Clientelism. County of Spiš. Máriássy Family. Görgey Family.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.2

STRACHOVÁ, Milena – VOSTRÝ, Zdeněk. The Eagle in the Shadow of the Falcon’s Wings: a contribution to the history of a Catholic gymnastic organization.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 439-461, Bratislava.

The paper is concerned with the Orel (Eagle) organization in Moravia and Slovakia. It attempts to place Orel in relation to the Sokol (Falcon) organization of Brno. It looks into fields that have been unjustly neglected up to now. The context of the two important gymnastic organizations, which had a liberating influence on a wide range of people, is an important indicator of pluralism in Czech society. The specific feature of the Orel Christian gymnastic organization lay in the enrichment of sport with a religious element. From the point of view of Orel, sport was the not the aim, but only a means for bringing about the sanctification of people. The Orel organization, with a rich history reaching back to the beginning of the 20th century, can be seen to have fallen under the shadow of the broad national Sokol movement. The original mutual aversion of the two most important gymnastic organizations gradually changed under the influence of the sharpening foreign and internal political situation.

Key words: Orel. Orol. Emancipation Movement. Catholic Education. Trade Unions. Moravia. Slovakia.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.3

ŠVORC, Peter. Two peripheries in two countries: October 1918 – January 1919. Eastern Slovakia and Hungarian Rus’ on the way to the Czechoslovak Republic.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 463-489, Bratislava.

Until the fall of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Eastern Slovakia and present-day Transcarpathia (Zakarpattia; until 1919 Hungarian Rus’; between 1919 and 1939 Subcarpathian Rus’) were its peripheral territories, which was reflected in the harsh living conditions of their inhabitants and consequent mass emigration. Slovaks and Rusyns, in Hungary facing not only economic but also national discrimination (Magyarization), provided support to each other. They welcomed Czechoslovakia as a state in which their position would significantly change. However, while, in the case of Slovaks, there was gradual national unification and constitutionalization, the Rusyns divided into three ethnic groups – Rusyn, Ukrainian and Russian. At the same time, the existing cooperation between Slovaks and Rusyns was impaired by the difficulty of solving the conflict regarding the territory of north-eastern Slovakia (where both populations lived).

Keywords: Austria-Hungary. Paris Peace Conference. Czechoslovakia. Eastern Slovakia. Slovyaks. Hungarian Rus’. Subcarpathian Rus’. Lemko Republic. Rusyns. Ukrainians. Russians.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.4

SZALAY, Peter. “Demolish it! It brings back bad memories”. On the history of expert and political discussions of Bratislava Castle at the end of the First Czechoslovak Republic and in the wartime Slovak Republic.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 491-515, Bratislava.

The study presents expert and political discussion of the planned demolition of Bratislava Castle and the Pohradie area at the bottom of the castle hill from the end of the 1930s to the mid 1940s. Using archive and journalistic texts from the period, as well as analysis of the actual architectural and urbanist plans, it describes the course of efforts to transform the historic symbol of the city, as well as the opposition and criticism of these plans. The study considers two competitions from 1938 and 1942, held under two different political regimes – liberal democratic Czechoslovakia and the authoritarian wartime Slovak Republic. Comparison of the two competitions shows the formal and content similarity in spite of regime, which defined the modern productivist and technocratic thinking of specialists more than political ideology.

Key words: Bratislava Castle. Modernism. Demolition. First Czechoslovak Republic. Wartime Slovak Republic.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.5

HORIČKA, Martin. Life and Work of Democrat Ján Ševčík in the Light of his Political Relations.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 517-543, Bratislava.

Ján Ševčík is today one of the forgotten figures in Czechoslovak history. Although he took part in a great number of important historical events of the first half of the 20th century, he was not generally one of the best-known carriers of these changes. His first prominent role did not come until February 1948, when he helped Gottwald build a new political regime by seizing the Democratic Party and transforming it into a loyal satellite of the Communists, renamed the Party of Slovak Revival, which participated in the National Front until the Velvet Revolution. In addition to social and political changes, his life story also shows us some unknown sides of historical personalities, such as Jozef Tiso, Ján Ursíny or Viliam Široký. Through their mutual interactions, we can also trace his entire activities and place them in the broader context of the development of the Czechoslovak Republic in the first half of the 20th century.

Key words: Ján Ševčík. Democratic Party. Jozef Tiso. Party of Slovak Revival. Ján Ursíny. Viliam Široký. February 1948. Anna Ševčíková.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.6

BOTEK, Andrej. On the problem of the priestly and episcopal consecrations of St. Gorazd.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 3, pp. 545-559, Bratislava.

St. Gorazd is undoubtedly the most important of the pupils of the Thessalonian brothers Constantine – Cyril and Methodius. In spite of this and in spite of the great interest in him from researchers, especially in the last century, we have very little concrete information about his life. He remained forgotten for centuries, with veneration and knowledge growing mainly in the last 80 years. The not clearly answered questions about Gorazd include that of his ordination as a priest and consecration as a bishop, on which we have no direct evidence. Gorazd’s priestly status is considered obvious by all experts, but some doubt his episcopal consecration, while others accept it and explain it with indirect evidence. The present article is a consideration of the question of how far we can date the priestly and episcopal consecrations of Gorazd, the first recognized saint, who originated from our territory.

Key words: St. Gorazd. Priestly and Episcopal Consecration. Chirotony. Archdiocese of Great Moravia.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.3.7


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