


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 48, 4/2000


Š t ú d i e

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Nástupcovia Štefana I. v bojoch o uhorský trón ... 585
Ď u r k o v á, Mária: Stredoveká vzdelanosť, kultúra a architektonické pamiatky na území Zvolenskej stolice ... 607
Š u c h o v á, Xénia: Podiel Slovákov v ústredných štátnych orgánoch v čase Hodžovho premiérstva ... 621
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Dilemy Karola Sidora (1938 - 1939) ... 636

R o z h ľ a d y

S o r b y, Karol: Suezská kríza 1955 - 1956 ... 650

R e c e n z i e

R y c h l í k, J.: Češi a Slováci ve 20. století. Česko-slovenské vztahy 1945-1992 (Š. Šutaj) ... 673
B r o k l o v á, E.: Politická kultura německých aktivistických stran v Československu 1918-1938 (M. Zemko) ... 678
H á j e k, J. - L a c i n a, V.: Od úvěrních družstev k bankovním koncernům (A. Bartlová) ... 682
G e r e m e k, B.: Slitování a šibenice. Dějiny chudoby a milosrdenství (G. Dudeková) ... 685
Slovenská historiografia 1998 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 714

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Stephen's I successors in the fights to the Hungarian throne ... 585
Ď u r k o v á, Mária: Literacy, culture and architecture on the territory of Zvolen county in the Middle Ages ... 607
Š u c h o v á, Xénia: The role of Slovaks in central state bodies in the time when Hodža was a Prime Minister ... 621
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Karol Sidor's dilemas (1938-1939) ... 636

H o r i z o n s

S o r b y, Karol: The Suez Crisis ... 650
Slovak Historiography in 1998 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 714

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

S t e i n h ü b e l, Ján: Die Nachfolger Stephans I. in den Kämpfen um die ungarische Krone ... 585
Ď u r k o v á, Mária: Die mittelalterliche Bildung, Kultur und die architektonischen Denkmäler auf dem Gebiet des Zwolener Stuhls ... 607
Š u c h o v á, Xénia: Der Anteil der Slowaken in den staatlichen Zentralorganen in der Zeit Hodžas als Premier ... 621
K a t u n i n e c, Milan: Die Dilemmas Karl Sidors (1938-1939) ... 636

R u n d s c h a u

S o r b y, Karol: Die Suezkrise 1955-1956 ... 650
Die Slowakische Geschichtsschreibung 1998 (Alžbeta Sedliaková) ... 714

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

STEINHÜBEL, J.: Stephen’s I successors in the fights to the Hungarian throne.

Historický časopis, 48, 4, 2000, pp. 585-606, Bratislava.

After Stephen’s son Imrich’s death in September 1031 the question of the succession to the Hungarian throne was opened. The endorsement of King Stephen’s I cousin Vazul and all his family to paganism interfered with Stephen’s plans and intentions, therefore he neglected all his cousin’s rights, got him blinded and sent his sons to exile. Nine Nitra counties elected Vazul’s nephew Domoslav, who arrived in Slovakia accompanied by German king and Czech prince’s armies, the Nitra Prince in 1042. Soon after the allies left he was expelled by Samuel Aba, the Hungarian King. In Autumn 1046, when Vazul’s sons Levente and Andrew successfully returned to Hungary, Domoslav also came back and became Nitra Prince (1046-1048).

History. Hungary. Successors of Stephen I in the fights to Hungarian throne.

ĎURKOVÁ, M.: Literacy, culture and architecture on the territory of Zvolen county in the Middle Ages.

Historický časopis, 48, 4, 2000, pp. 607-620, Bratislava.

Although the culture and literacy on the territory of Zvolen county in the Middle Ages was mostly concentrated in towns (Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, Ľubietová), it reached as far as small towns and villages as well. In the 14th - 15th centuries one could meet people from Brezno, Dobrá Niva, Poniky, Radvaň, Slovenská Ľupča and other towns and communities of the region in Prague, Krakow and Vienna. At the beginning of the 14th century Donč, the head of Zvolen county, initiated and donated many profane and sacral building. In the times of Louis I of Anjou (1342-1382) some links with the north-Italian art can be identified (Zvolen Castle, Vígľaš Castle, frescoes in Čerín church), but also links with architectural development in Silesian-Polish and Danube region which the local people had comercial and cultural contacts with.

History. Slovakia. Zvolen county in the Middle Ages.

ŠUCHOVÁ, X.: The role of Slovaks in central state bodies in the time when Hodža was a Prime Minister.

Historický časopis, 48, 4, 2000, pp. 621-635, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the question of appointing people to offices and other posts in the state administration in Czechoslovakia as one aspekt of ”the Slovak question” and its solution within the centralist state. Special attention has been devoted to Hosža’s personal involvement in that. There are new data presented and they are confronted with the earlier ones published in the years 1924-1938. Hodža’s proposal for the solution of the personnel question of the year 1936, known under the title The Memorandum of the Action Committee and proposed by the representatives of the coalision parties from Slovakia in 1937, has been presented. Although the resolution was not approved by the ministerial board, its key philosophy was applied in so called Beneš’s ”third plan” of the September 1938.

History. Slovakia. Central bodies in Czechoslovakia and Hodža, the Prime Minister.

KATUNINEC, M.: Karol Sidor’s dilemas (1938-1939).

Historický časopis, 48, 4, 2000, pp. 636-649, Bratislava.

The present study deals with the political activities of Karol Sidor, the representative of Hlinka’s People’s Party, in the years 1938-1939. Using the archive and published resources, the author analyses the attitudes of this controversial person. Being the chief editor of the party’s newspaper Slovák, Sidor presented his radical policy aimed at the autonomy of Slovakia and in the year 1938 he became also the chief commander of Hlinka’s Guards who were not then included in parties structures. In December 1938 he was appointed the post of a state secretary and the vice-president of the central government and in March 1939 he was the Prime Minister of the Slovak government for three days. After having refused to proclaim the Slovak State, he was forced by the Nazis to resign from the internal politics.

History. Slovakia. Karol Sidor’s dilemas (1938-1939).

SORBY, K.: The Suez Crisis 1955-1956.

Historický časopis, 48, 4, 2000, pp. 650-672, Bratislava.

This study will focus on the evolution of greatpower-Arab relations from September 1955 to the end of 1956. The most important developments in this period were Nasser’s decision to nationalize the Suez Canal Company and the subsequent British-French-Israeli invasion of Egypt. The Suez crisis marked a radical shift in both international and regional balance of power. Washington and Moscow replaced London and Paris as the dominant global players in the Middle East. Nasser’s Egypt emerged as the dominant state in the Arab world. Nasser also began to serve as an icon and spokesman for Arab nationalism and for independence from the great powers. As a result, Egypt became a major force to be reckoned with by outside actors.

History. Egypt. The Suez Crisis 1955-1956.


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