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EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



Historický časopis, 56, 4/2008

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Š t ú d i e

Oslanský, František: Z písomných prameňov Európy o falšovaní mincí v stredoveku ... 587
Gábriš, Tomáš: Mikrosonda do sankčného systému arpádovského Uhorska ... 599
Nagy, Imrich: Vývin politických názorov Erazma Rotterdamského v konfrontácii s politickou realitou Európy v prvej tretine 16. storočia ... 625
Holec, Roman: Bulharský excár Ferdinand a Slovensko (1939 - 1944) ... 657

A r c h í v

Kaplan, Karel: Zpráva o jednání Ursínyho s přednostou VII. odboru ministerstva vnitra plk. Františkem Jandou a vedoucím referátu Slovensko mjr. Bedřichem Pokorným 16. května 1947 ... 685

R e c e n z i e

Hronský, Marián: Mikulášska rezolúcia 1. mája 1918 (Roman Holec) ... 693
Hlavinka, Ján: Židovská komunita v okrese Medzilaborce v rokoch 1938 - 1945 (Ľudovít Hallon) ... 695
Lacko, Martin: Slovenské národné povstanie 1944 (Ivan Kamenec) ... 698

Slovenská historiografia 2006 (Alžbeta Sedliaková)

G L O S Y - B I B L I O G R A F I A - K R O N I K A


A r t i c l e s

Oslanský, František: European Written Sources on the Counterfeiting of Coins in the Middle Ages ... 587
Gábriš, Tomáš:A Micro-Sounding into the System of Judicial Sanctions in the Arpád Period ... 599
Nagy, Imrich: The Development of the Political Views of Erasmus of Rotterdam in Confrontation with the Political Reality of Europe in the First Third of the 16th Century ... 625
Holec, Roman: The Former Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria and Slovakia (1939 - 1944) ... 657

A r c h i v e s

Kaplan, Karel: The report on the discussion of Ján Ursíny with the head of the Seventh Department of the Ministry of the Interior Colonel František Janda and the head of the Department for Slovakia Major Bedřich Pokorný on 16 May 1947 ... 685

Slovak Historiography in 2006 (Alžbeta Sedliaková)

R E V I E W - A N N O T A T I O N S - B I B L I O G R A P H Y - C H R O N I C L E


S t u d i e n

Oslanský, František: Aus den schrifquellen Europas über die münzfälschungen im Mittelalter ... 587
Gábriš, Tomáš: Mikrosonde in die Strafgerichtsbarkeit der Arpaden ... 599
Nagy, Imrich: Erasmus von Rotterdam - Entwicklung politischer Ansichten als Auseinandersetzung mit der politischen Realität Europas im ersten Drittel des 16. Jahrhunderts ... 625
Holec, Roman: Der bulgarische Ex-Zar Ferdinand und die Slowakei (1939 - 1944) ... 657

A r c h i v

Kaplan, Karel: Bericht von der Verhandlung Ján Ursínys mit Oberst František Janda, Sektionschef des Innenministeriums und Major Bedřich Pokorný, Referatsleiter für die Slowakei am 16. Mai 1947 ... 685

Slowakische Historiographie 2006 (Alžbeta Sedliaková)

K R I T I K - G L O S S E N - B I B L I O G R A P H I E - C H R O N I K

OSLANSKÝ, František. European Written Sources on the Counterfeiting of Coins in the Middle Ages. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 4,

pp. 587-598, Bratislava.

Counterfeiting of coins is mentioned in a multitude of medieval written sources, manuscripts and books, starting with the Laws of the Visigoths in the mid 7th century, through the Visitation of the Chapter of Esztergom in 1397, to the Inferno, first part of Dante Alighieri's most important work, the Divina Comedia from the first two decades of the 14th century, which reached far beyond its age. The paper gives a selection of only partly used and often entirely unknown facts from medieval documents. This creates the pre-conditions for them to become more widely known and accessible. History. Written sources on counterfeiting of coins. Europe. Kingdom of Hungary. Slovakia. Middle Ages.

GÁBRIŠ, Tomáš. A Micro-Sounding into the System of Judicial Sanctions in the Arpád Period. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 4,

pp. 599-623, Bratislava.

The paper considers the system of sanctions in Hungary during the Arpád period using the sources published by G. Wenzel, the Varadín (Magno Varadinum, Nagy Várad, Oradea) register and collections of written law from the period. By selecting diplomatic material on the basis of identification of key words typical for the solution of conflicts, the author collected 92 documents containing information about sanctions. By comparing their content with the content of the Varadín register and the surviving written law, the author verified the information about the application of sanctions in practice and the categorization of crimes punishable by death, physical punishments associated with shaming punishments, financial penalties, deprivation of liberty, dismissal from functions and privileges or by ecclesiastical penalties. A combination of penalties was often imposed. Sometimes, the punish- ment was not specified. The obligation to provide restitution for damage was linked with the sanction, but not as an independent sanction. A feature of the article is that it points to absence of mentions of physical punishments. This has also been found by foreign authors researching the same period. Legal history. Punishment. Solution of conflicts. The medieval Kingdom of Hungary. The judiciary.

NAGY, Imrich. The Development of the Political Views of Erasmus of Rotterdam in Confrontation with the Political Reality of Europe in the First Third of the 16th Century. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 4,

pp. 625-656, Bratislava.

The theme of the study is the formation of the political views of Erasmus of Rotterdam under the influence of political events in Europe during the first third of the 16th century. The author traces the line of Erasmus' political writings, in which the idea of pacifism resounds. He describes Erasmus as a convinced supporter of uniting the forces of Christendom in the politically fragmented camp of European states. Adaptation of the idea of Evangelical pacifism to the real political situation represented especially by the struggle for European hegemony between Charles V and Francis I is shown by Erasmus' correspondence with European monarchs. The author identifies the motive for change in Erasmus' political views with the Turkish expansion into Central Europe, shown by his writings after 1526 directed towards the situation in Hungary and the problem of defence against the Turks. Erasmus of Rotterdam. Political thought. Pacifism. History of the 16th century. Turkish expansion. Kingdom of Hungary. Defensive war.

HOLEC, Roman. The Former Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria and Slovakia (1939 - 1944). Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 4,

pp. 657-683, Bratislava.

The former Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty often lived in Slovakia during the Second World War. His contacts with the political elite of the regime, his views on the geopolitical situation and his ordinary human joys and sorrows are the subject of a study based on previously unused and partly unknown foreign archive collections. It provides information about many behind the scenes events in the relationship of Ferdinand to the Slovak regime and its representatives. The study is a micro-analysis of an aristocrat and monarch mentally rooted in the 19th century, who found himself mixed up in the Second World War and Slovak development. Ferdinand is remembered as a monarch, who loved the people and nature of Slovakia. History of Slovakia during the Second World War. Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty and Slovakia. Slovak - Bulgarian relations. Micro-analysis of the life and views of a former monarch.

KAPLAN, Karel. The report on the discussion of Ján Ursíny with the head of the Seventh Department of the Ministry of the Interior Colonel František Janda and the head of the Department for Slovakia Major Bedřich Pokorný on 16 May 1947. Historický časopis, 2008, 56, 4,

pp. 685-692, Bratislava.

The discussion happened at the request of Ursíny, a month after the execution of the President of the Slovak state and at a time when the deputy prime minister was interested in information about Tiso. The execution of Tiso and the circumstances accompanying it, influenced the political atmosphere in Slovakia. These events and the response to them became the theme of the discussion. Ursíny justified his attitude to Tiso and expressed fear of the further results of his execution. The other serious themes were the current situation on the Slovak political scene and so in the security situation in Slovakia. The developments, which soon led to political crisis, including the so-called conspiracy in Slovakia, were already beginning. The deputy prime minister expressed views on the situation in the middle of May 1947. The report contains the formulation of Ursíny's views and evaluations, which did not appear in public. History of post-war Slovakia. Response to the execution of J. Tiso. The Slovak political crisis of 1947. Ján Ursíny. The Czechoslovak intelligence and security service.

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