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EBSCO Historical Abstracts


ERIH plus


Historický časopis (ročník 68), 2020, č. 4


Š t ú d i e

Zupka, Dušan: Náboženské rituály vojny a vytváranie kresťanskej identity  v stredovekej strednej Európe 12. storočia ... 577
Huťka, Miroslav: Majetkové pomery stredovekých augustiniánskych kláštorov tzv. spišského dištriktu ... 593
Švorc, Peter: V Česko-slovenskej či Česko-slovensko-ruskej republike? Podkarpatská Rus a východné Slovensko v prelomovom roku 1919 ... 609
Furmanik, Martin: Rusíni a Ukrajinci na Spiši v rokoch 1945 – 1967 ... 635

T e ó r i a  a  m e t o d o l ó g i a

Michela, Miroslav – Šima, Karel: Fanzin ako historický prameň pre výskum súčasných dejín ... 667

R o z h ľ a d y

Drábik, Jakub: Pražská jar a invázia vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy do Československa v roku 1968 očami „západnej“ historiografie ... 693

M a t e r i á l y

Lehoczká, Lídia: Nariaďujeme, vyhlasujeme...!  Výber diskriminačných opatrení voči Cigánom/Rómom na Slovensku v rokoch totality 1939 – 1945 spracovaný z fondov MV SR, Štátneho archívu v Nitre ... 723

R e c e n z i e

Kodajová, Daniela – Macho, Peter a kol.: Jozef Miloslav Hurban – Osobnosť v spoločnosti a reflexii (Oliver Zajac) ... 735
Szalay, Peter – Bogár, Michal – Haberlandová, Katarína – Bartošová, Nina – Krišteková, Laura: Vojnová Bratislava 1939 – 1945 (Žofia Lysá) ... 738
Mičko, Peter – Hallon, Ľudovít a kol.: Lesk a tiene hospodárskeho rozvoja Slovenska v rokoch 1939 – 1941 (Mikuláš Jančura) ... 743
Hallon, Ľudovít – Mičko, Peter a kol.: Vzostup a pád hospodárskeho vývoja Slovenska v rokoch 1942 – 1945 (Mikuláš Jančura) ... 745
Hruboň, Anton (ed.): Ľudácka čítanka – Sila propagandy, propaganda sily (Terézia Švedová) ... 748
Baudouin, Jacques: Naissance d’une démocratie: Hashim Thaçi et la route vers le Kosovo indépendant (1987–2008) (Mihail Ceropita) ... 752

G l o s y ... 755

K r o n i k a ... 759

O b s a h 2020, roč. 68 ... 761


A r t i c l e s

Zupka, Dušan: Religious rituals of war and creation of Christian identity in East Central Europe in the 12th century ... 577
Huťka, Miroslav: Property conditions of the medieval Augustinian monasteries, of the so-called Spiš District ... 593
Švorc, Peter: The Czecho-Slovak or Czecho-Slovak-Rusyn Republic? Subcarpathian Rus‘ and Eastern Slovakia in the momentous year of 1919 ... 609
Furmanik, Martin: Ruthenians and Ukrainians in Spiš in 1945–1967 ... 635

T h e o r y  a n d  M e t h o d o l o g y

Michela, Miroslav – Šima, Karel: The Fanzine as a Historical Source for Research on Recent History ... 667

H o r i z o n s

Drábik, Jakub: The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 as reflected in “Western” historiography ... 693

M a t e r i a l s

Lehoczká, Lídia: We charge, we declare...! Selection of Discriminatory Measures against Gypsies/Roma in Slovakia Under Totalitarianism in 1939–1945 Processed from the Documents of the Ministry of Interior of SR, State Archives in Nitra ... 723

R E V I E W – A N N O T A T I O N S – B I B L I O G R A P H Y – C H R O N I C LE


S t u d i e n

Zupka, Dušan: Religiöse Kriegsriten und Herausbildung der christlichen Identität im mittelalterlichen Zentraleuropa des 12. Jahrhunderts ... 577
Huťka, Miroslav: Eigentumsverhältnisse der mittelalterlichen Augustinerklöster des sog. Zipser Distrikts ... 593
Švorc, Peter: In der Tschecho-slowakischen oder Tschecho-slowakisch-russischen Republik? Karpatenukraine und die Ostslowakei im Umbruchsjahr 1919 ... 609
Furmanik, Martin: Ruthenen und Ukrainer in Zips 1945–1967 ... 635

T h e o r i e  u n d  M e t h o d o l o g i e

Michela, Miroslav – Šima, Karel: Fanzine als historische Quelle für die Forschung der neuzeitlichen Geschichte ... 667

H o r i z o n s

Drábik, Jakub: Prager Frühling und der Einmarsch von Truppen des Warschauer Pakts in die Tschechoslowakei im Jahr 1968 mit den Augen der „westlichen“ Historiographie gesehen ... 693

M a t e r i a l i e n

Lehoczká, Lídia: Es wird angeordnet, erklärt...! Die Auswahl von diskriminierenden Maßnahmen gegen Zigeuner/Roma  in der Slowakei in den Totalitätsjahren 1939–1945, bearbeitet aus den Fonds  des Innenministeriums der Slowakischen Republik, Staatsarchiv in Nitra ... 723

K R I T I K – G L O S S E N – B I B L I O G R A P H I E – C H R O N I K

ZUPKA, Dušan. Religious rituals of war and creation of Christian identity in East Central Europe in the 12th century.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 577-591, Bratislava.

Religious warfare was one of the various forms of rulership during the essential transformation of the High Middle Ages. The realms of East Central Europe witnessed augmented use of rituals of war, holy war rhetoric and crusading ideology in the course of their political, cultural and military integration into the sphere of the Latin Christendom. This article aims to provide several examples from the 12th century to illustrate the close connection between the exercise of power, ruling strategies and religious warfare in the Přemyslid, Árpad and Piast realms. These processes served to sacralize, legitimize and integrate the ruling dynasties and their rulers and to create a common Christian identity.

Key words: Religious Warfare. Holy War. Crusades. Rituals. Rulership. East Central Europe. High Middle Ages.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.1

HUŤKA, Miroslav. Property conditions of the medieval Augustinian monasteries, of the so-called Spiš District.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 593-607, Bratislava.

The presented study focuses on the attitude of Hungarian Augustinians towards the ownership of movable and immovable property in the Middle Ages. The issue is examined using the example of four monasteries of this order, which were located in present-day Slovakia. These monasteries in Veľký Šariš, Hrabkov, Bardejov and Spišský Podhradie belonged to the so-called Spiš District. Its existence and significance are also examined. All these Augustinian monasteries owned property in some form (from the ownership of entire villages or houses, to money and cattle). Since poverty was supposed to be a typical feature of mendicants, the attitude of the medieval Augustinian order towards property in its various forms makes a compelling focal research question of this study.

Keywords: Middle Ages, Slovakia. Augustinians. Property. Šariš. Spiš.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.2

ŠVORC, Peter. The Czecho-Slovak or Czecho-Slovak-Rusyn Republic? Subcarpathian Rus‘ and Eastern Slovakia in the momentous year of 1919.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 609-634, Bratislava.

When Czechoslovakia was founded, Slovaks and Rusyns became state-forming nations with competences and ambitions they did not have in pre-1918 Hungary. Having found themselves in this position, the Rusyns, in 1919, requested a change in the name from the Czecho-Slovak Republic (CSR) to the Czecho-Slovak-Rusyn Republic which, de facto, reflected the actual situation after the Treaty of Saint-Germain was signed in September 1919, when Subcarpathian Rus’ became part of the CSR. Rusyns, however, faced radical rejection and were given an explanation that Czechoslovakia had been internationally recognised as a new state and it was under that name the country was referred to in the key peace agreements, which was why any changes at that point were impossible. In the CSR, Rusyns and Slovaks got into conflict over the contact territory (North-Eastern Slovakia) and the shared (administrative) border dividing Slovakia from autonomous Subcarpathian Rus. The conflict started in 1919 and continued throughout the entire interwar period.

Keywords: Czechoslovakia. Czech-Slovak-Rusyn Republic. Hungarian Soviet Republic. Eastern Slovakia. Subcarpathian Rus’. Administrative Border. Slovaks. Rusyns. Central Rusyn National Council. Gregory I. Zhatkovich. Anton Beskid.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.3

FURMANIK, Martin. Ruthenians and Ukrainians in Spiš in 1945–1967.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 635-665, Bratislava.

The study deals with the situation and activities of Ruthenians and Ukrai-nians in the Spiš region in 1945–1989. The introductory parts of the study deal with two events that particularly affected the life of Ruthenians and Ukrainians. It was an option to the Soviet Union in 1947 and the abolition of the Greek Catholic Church in 1950. The study also deals with the relationship of Ruthenians and Ukrainians with the majority and their employment. A considerable part of the study is also devoted to the education and culture of Ruthenians and Ukrainians, which were significantly influenced by Communist power interventions. The thesis tries to point out the specifics of the Spiš Ruthenians and Ukrainians and a certain difference in their historical development compared to Ruthenians and Ukrainians in Šariš and Zemplín.

Keywords: Ruthenians, Ukrainians, Communism, Ukrainianization, Action P, Option, Spis.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.4

MICHELA, Miroslav – ŠIMA, Karel. The Fanzine as a Historical Source for Research on Recent History.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 667-692, Bratislava.

This study provides a critical introduction into and overview of the state of research on subcultures in both the international and Czech and Slovak contexts. At the same time, it presents a seldom-used historical source – fanzines – specific in their formation out of resistance to modern institutions, which excludes them from the scope of activity of standard archival practices. Therefore, fanzines have the potential to provide information, which may not be captured in standard sources, and thus contribute to the writing of the “history from below“. As alternative media, fanzines offer, in the first place, an insight into the opinions of their creators and reflect events within certain communities, scenes, or subcultures. But at the same time, they serve as a relevant testimony to the societal, political, and cultural life and institutions of the time.

Key words: Fanzine. Alternative Culture. Subcultures. Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic. Slovak Republic. 1980s and 1990s.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.5

DRÁBIK, Jakub. The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 as reflected in “Western” historiography.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 693-721, Bratislava.

The Prague Spring and its quashing by Soviet tanks was not only an important event in Czech and Slovak national history, it also had a wider, global reach. The events themselves and subsequent occupation of Czecho-slovakia by the combined forces of the Warsaw Pact have not ceased to inspire historical research and public debate. The aim of this essay is not to provide a complete list of works concerning the Prague Spring and the occupation of 1968; the sheer volume of literature on the subject is now overwhelming. Instead, the essay focuses on the most significant works and seek to capture and analyse the main trends in the research into and writing about this event. It focuses on Western historiography – especially works written in English – as that contribution to the scholarship is the most numerous and, arguably, the most influential. It also pays brief attention to the work of German, Italian and French historians.

Keywords: Prague spring. Historiography. Warsaw Pact. USSR. Czechoslovakia.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.6

LEHOCZKÁ, Lýdia. We charge, we declare...! Selection of Discriminatory Measures against Gypsies/Roma in Slovakia Under Totalitarianism in 1939–1945 Processed from the Documents of the Ministry of Interior of SR, State Archives in Nitra.

Historický časopis, 2020, 68, 4, pp. 723-734, Bratislava.

The author focuses on discriminatory measures against Gypsies/Roma during the Slovak Republic of 1939–1945. She uses mainly the archive collection of the State Archives in Nitra, usable for studying the issue at several levels of public administration (county, district, and local). The content structure of the scientific study follows the IMRAD model and is divided into the introduction, theoretical background, presentation of the most significant research findings and their interpretation in the form of discussion. The main objective of the study is to present a reflective „pause“ over the history of Gypsies/Roma, and their life under the totalitarian regime of 1939–1945 in Slovakia.

Keywords: Gypsies/Roma. Regulations. Decrees. Marginalization. Discrimination. Persecution. Labour units. Slovak State. Nitra County.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2020.68.4.7


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