


ISSN 0018-2575 (print)

ISSN 2585-9099 (online)

EV 3084/09

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EBSCO Historical Abstracts



CALLS FOR PAPERS Slovenská verzia


Historický časopis invites submissions for the forthcoming monothematic issue, vol. 73, issue 4/2025 on the topic Legal Norm versus Judicial Practice. The editors of the issue are Blanka Szeghyová and Miroslav Lysý.

The focus of this monothematic issue of the Historical Journal is the relationship between historical legal norms and judicial practice from the early Middle Ages to the 20th century. While earlier legal historiography focused on the analysis of legal norms and their interpretation by various methods, in recent decades there has been a trend towards research on judicial practice (and thus on the application of law in the past). The older law (before the 19th century) was highly fragmented and particularised; the sources of law were royal laws and privileges, law codes, law collections, statutes, customary law, as well as formularies and legal manuals. Many legal sources were of foreign origin, and even the domestic ones were often based on foreign models. The juxtaposition of normative legal sources with judicial practice or with various forms of contemporary discourse (learned, legal-theoretical/philosophical, literary, official, popular, propaganda) can help to illuminate their mutual influences and interactions and to capture developmental tendencies and changes.

Thematic areas:

  • Terminology of the various sources of law from the early Middle Ages to the 20th century
  • Analysis of judicial decisions and their reasoning
  • The relationship between custom and statutory law
  • Sources of law cited in judgments
  • The place of municipal statutes in the decision-making practice of urban judiciary
  • Foreign influences on the decision-making practice of Hungarian courts
  • Changing relations of sources of law in the 19th century
  • The influence of codifications on judicial practice
  • Privileges and their influence on the decision-making practice of courts and public authorities
  • Constitutional rights in the 19th and 20th centuries and their impact on the decision-making practice of courts and public authorities.

Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2025

Please submit abstracts to histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for Final Submissions: August 1, 2025

Please submit contributions in Slovak, Czech, or English to histcaso@gmail.com


The Historický časopis / Historical Journal invites interested parties to submit contributions for the forthcoming monothematic issue, vol. 73, no. 3/2025, on the Medieval Society in Central Europe: The Emergence, Development and Transformation of Power Elites. The editors of this issue are Pavol Hudáček and Dušan Zupka.

The planned issue of the Historický časopis/Historical Journal welcomes submissions from Slovak and international historians exploring the social processes that were manifested in the structural transformations of the power elites on royal or ecclesiastical estates by the end of the Middle Ages. The issue focuses on the origins, status, property background, wealth and share of power of the “aristocracy” and lower social groups. Emphasis is placed on the contacts between the monarch and “his people”, which were important in the establishment, transformation and maintenance of political-power relations and were reflected in the power hierarchies of the secular and ecclesiastical elites. The forms of communication between different social groups and the processes of dissemination of ideas and patterns of behaviour of political and ecclesiastical elites in social and power rivalries will also be the subject of research. The formation of church organization and its relationship in the construction of social and power structures will also be considered.

The editors welcome contributions to a wide spectrum of partial topics, including:

  • continuity and discontinuity of power elites (e.g. in the contrast between paganism and Christianity)
  • the arrival of foreigners to the royal court from abroad
  • the power, ecclesiastical and economic background of the monarch and ruling elites
  • the social mobility of different social groups
  • from the cives in the castle to the urban elites
  • church elites and the judiciary
  • elites and their social space
  • king and nobility (alliances and conflicts)
  • power and property strategies of the nobility

Deadline for abstract submission: 31th March 2025

Please send abstracts to the email address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for submission of papers: 1st May 2025

Papers in Slovak, Czech, and English should be sent to the email address: histcaso@gmail.com


Historický časopis is pleased to announce the call for papers for the forthcoming monothematic issue, vol. 72, issue 4/2024, focusing on The Phenomenon of Mobility in the History of Slovakia. This issue will be edited by Dušan Segeš.

The central theme of this special issue revolves around social and spatial mobility, examining its catalysts and regulatory mechanisms from the so-called Migration Period (4th-6th centuries) to the modern era. Throughout selected historical periods, we aim to explore both vertical and horizontal migrations and their implications for societal organization and governance. Given the multifaceted nature of mobility as a social phenomenon, interdisciplinary research and comparative frameworks are essential to comprehensively address the topic within the regional or global context of Slovakia and its inhabitants.

We invite contributions from experts within the Slovak and international historical communities, with a particular emphasis on the following thematic headings:

  • The evolution of political power distribution and the emergence of elites amid changes in societal organization and governance, along with social and property differentiation.
  • Social and intellectual mobility from the Kingdom of Hungary era to the 20th century, with a focus on the migration patterns of intellectual, ecclesiastical, and social elites from neighboring regions.
  • Practices of kinship and career advancement within Hungarian aristocratic circles.
  • Vertical and horizontal mobility among educational communities and selected social groups (e.g., teachers, preachers, students, intellectuals) in Hungarian aristocratic circles.
  • Spatial mobility and knowledge transfer among professional and social groups such as professionals, artists, architects, athletes, and students.
  • Gender and class-specific aspects of mobility (e.g., women's social mobility, educational mobility, socioeconomic impacts of industrialization).
  • Long-term factors influencing the formation, transformation, and preservation of social groups and elites, including the influence of family, communal, regional, formal, and informal social ties on social status and occupational classification.
  • Social and spatial mobility of specific professions and families.
  • Labor migration (e.g., seasonal work, transcontinental migration), its social networks, and political context.
  • Various forms of migration, including forced migration, population transfers, re-emigration/repatriation, and exile, with a focus on migration movements to and from Slovakia.
  • The influence of political regimes on the social and spatial trajectories of migration.

Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024

Please submit abstracts to histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for Final Submissions: August 1, 2024

Please submit contributions in Slovak, Czech, or English to histcaso@gmail.com


The Historický časopis / Historical Journal invites interested parties to submit contributions for the forthcoming monothematic issue, Vol. 72, No. 3/2024, on the topic From Cholera to the Spanish Flu: Epidemics and Antiepidemiological Measures of the State and Their Reception in Society in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The editors of this issue are Ján Golian and Peter Šoltés.

The planned issue of the Historický časopis / Historical Journal welcomes submissions from Slovak and international historians, as well as experts from related humanities and social science fields, examining the impact of pandemics and regionally limited epidemics on various aspects of societal functioning. The prerequisite for inclusion in the monothematic issue is the originality of the topics under investigation, the analysis of underutilized primary sources, the innovation of approaches, and the comparative nature of the texts.

The editors offer a wide spectrum of partial topics, including:

  • Responses of state authorities to the threat of cholera, analysis of anti-cholera measures by central authorities, regional (county, municipal) authorities, and local authorities
  • Analysis of the most severe cholera epidemics from 1831 to 1914 in the territory of present-day Slovakia – summarizing their impact on demographic phenomena in individual counties
  • Evolution of opinions on the prevention, measures, and treatment of cholera
  • Reflection of epidemics in contemporary journalism, discursive analysis of content, forms, and motifs in epidemic reporting
  • Epidemics as catalysts for social modernization, their impact on changes in healthcare.
  • Measures aimed at eradicating infectious diseases and improving health conditions, methods of disseminating enlightenment and prevention
  • Spanish flu epidemics in Austria-Hungary, the reaction of Hungarian government and authorities of the Czechoslovak Republic to the pandemic, analysis of laws and measures adopted

Deadline for abstract submission: 30th March 2024

Please send abstracts to the email address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for submission of papers: 1st May 2024

Papers in Slovak, Czech, and English should be sent to the email address: histcaso@gmail.com


The Historický časopis / Historical Journal appeals to interested people to send contributions to the monothematic issue being prepared for issue number 4/2023 in the 71st year of publication on the theme: Alcoholic drinks as a cultural historical phenomenon.

The editor of the issue is Daniela Dvořáková.

Experts from the Slovak and international community of historians with an orientation towards this theme should participate in the issue of the Historický časopis / Historical Journal being prepared.

The project offers a wide range of themes, including:

  • Cultivation of vines, production and trade in wine, its importance in the economy (documents, municipal accounts and other urban records, expert documents and correspondence);
  • Cultivation of hops, consumption and production of beer, breweries in towns and on estates (documents, municipal accounts and other urban records, town rights, correspondence, literature);
  • Wine as a luxury, types of wine, wine as a gift, royal wines, exports and imports;
  • Criminality connected with consumption of alcoholic drinks;
  • The importance and use of alcoholic drinks in medieval medicine (regimina sanitatis, prescriptions, records);
  • Alcoholic drinks in monasteries, consumption, production, trade. Regimes in monasteries, fasts, quantity of consumed alcohol, diet, herbalism;
  • Alcoholic drinks at royal and aristocratic courts, banquets, celebrations;
  • Alcohol and travel (alcoholic drinks in travel regimes);
  • Women and the consumption of alcoholic drinks;
  • Children and the consumption of alcoholic drinks (instructions for bringing up children, correspondence);
  • Culture connected with alcohol (literature, poems, songs, student life and alcohol, student fraternities, clubs);
  • Sin and penance in connection with the consumption of alcohol (Archive of Apostolic Penitentiaries etc.);
  • Regulation of the drinking of alcohol.

Deadline for sending abstracts: 30. 6. 2023

We ask authors to send the abstracts to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for sending completed papers: 1. 8. 2023

We ask authors to send papers in the Slovak, Czech or English language to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com


The Historický časopis / Historical Journal appeals to interested people to send contributions to the monothematic issue being prepared for issue number 3/2023 in the 17st year of publication on the theme: The Nobility in the Age of Dualism and after the Fall of the Monarchy in the Light of New Research. The guest editors of the issue are Roman Holec and Judit Pál.

Slovak and foreign historians researching the nobility in the process of modernization and the gradual transition from a traditional feudal to a modern citizens’ society should contribute to the planned issue. New methodological approaches and texts based on previously unused primary sources are required.

The project offers a wide range of themes, including:

  • The strategy of the nobility in a society that was gradually freeing itself from feudal attributes.
  • The social capital and social radius of the nobility in the world of concepts of everyday history (Alltagsgeschichte).
  • The confrontation of the supra-national nobility with the nationalisms of the time and the republican system.
  • The transformation of feudal institutions in the age of modernization.
  • The property strategy of specific noble families as a means of maintaining political influence and social standard.
  • The ennoblement policy of the dynasty as a means of promoting cohesion and creating new loyal groups.

New approaches to evaluating the historiography of the nobility.

Deadline for sending abstracts: 30 March 2023

We ask contributors to send their abstracts to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for sending completed papers: 1 May 2023

We ask contributors to send their completed papers in the Slovak, Czech or English languages to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com

The End of Czechoslovakia: 30 Years Later

Call for Papers

The thirty years since the end of the common Czech and Slovak state seems to be the longest period of stable continuous development in the modern history of both nations since 1918, unmarked by major historical breaks and discontinuities. The entry of Czechia and Slovakia into the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance was a confirmation of the path taken in 1989 and 1993. The period of Vladimir Mečiar's "illiberal democracy" in Slovakia became just a small episode. The division of Czechoslovakia was also the last dramatic dilemma that the majority of its inhabitants intensely shared and experienced. Three decades constitute a sufficient distance from the events and processes of that time to allow contemporary historians to examine them in detail and in a broader context. The overall picture of the events surrounding the proclamation of the two independent republics has already been outlined and some of its important moments interpreted. Other issues are still a matter of dispute and await clarification.

To what extent was the division of Czechoslovakia a consequence of long-preserved problems of unitary state-law models and half-hearted federalism? To what extent were they triggered or accelerated by the new political, social and economic dynamics of post-November 1989 developments? And to what extent were these developments a resonance of the predatory wave of nationalism that disrupted all post-communist federations? Did the Czech and Slovak political elites fail to reach an acceptable compromise, despite hard negotiations, or was the division of the state a triumph of the will to power and pragmatism of some politicians? What were the economic costs and benefits of this radical state-building operation, and what was going on behind the scenes in the disputes over the division of federal property? What ideals and values did the two successor republics rely on in building a new statehood, which traditions, models and symbols were actualized or, conversely, which ones disappeared in the process? What has remained of Czechoslovak identity and how do both countries deal with the heritage of their common past?

How did the Czechoslovak divorce affect the everyday lives of people, what complications or benefits did it bring them? And have we, over the last thirty years, rid ourselves of mutual prejudices, misunderstandings, stereotypes and myths born out of our mutual coexistence, or are we piling more on top of them? For example, regarding the circumstances and causes of the division of Czechoslovakia?

We seek articles that analyse and reflect upon these and similar questions for the pages of Soudobé dějiny/CJCH and Historický časopis, to be published in 2023. In this joint project, we are not aiming to publish a single thematic issue, but we would like to include articles related to the round anniversary of the end of Czechoslovakia continuously in both journals throughout the year. We have chosen a "mirror" format, whereby we will publish the contributions of Slovak authors in Soudobé dějiny/CJCH and the articles of Czech authors will find a place in the Slovak Historický časopis. We welcome essays, studies, reflections, as well as texts focused on discussion or polemics, not only from historians, but also from experts in the field of sociology, political science, economics, law, etc. Manuscripts in Czech, Slovak and English can be submitted continuously until September 2023. For publication in the first issues of 2023, the deadline for submission is 31 December 2022.

Indexed in: Scopus, CEEOL. Contact: sd@usd.cas.cz (Soudobé dějiny/CJCH)
Indexed in: WoS, CCC, Scopus, CEEOL. Contact: histcaso@gmail.com (Historický časopis)


The Historický časopis calls on interested people to send contributions to the planned one-theme issue, year 70, number 4/2022 on the theme: On the way to a modern society. Three centuries of modern times. Tünde Lengyelová and Géza Pálffy will be the guest editors of the issue.

Experts from the Slovak and international community of historians concerned with this theme should contribute to the planned issue.

The project offers a very wide range of themes, including:

  • Methodological problems of Early Modern times, periodization, terminology;
  • New aspects of the internal and foreign policy of the Kingdom of Hungary, development of the political system;
  • Changes of direction of modern society towards the modern state;
  • Divergence or convergence of social and cultural development in the Kingdom of Hungary in the European context;
  • Economic impulses in Central Europe during the proto-industial period.

Deadline for sending abstracts: 30 June 2022

We ask contributors to send abstracts to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for sending completed papers: 30 August 2022

We ask the contributors to send their papers in the Slovak, Czech or English language to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com


The Historický časopis calls on interested people to send contributions to the planned one-theme issue, year 69, number 4/2021 on the theme: The Persecution of Jews in Slovakia in the Context of the Holocaust in Central Europe. We are preparing this issue on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the adoption of the so-called Jewish Code. The guest editor for the issue will be Ján Hlavinka.

Experts from the Slovak and international community of historians concerned with this theme should contribute to the planned issue.

The project offers a very wide range of themes, including:

  • Anti-Jewish legislation in Slovakia in the comparative context
  • Repression against Jews in the territory of Slovakia, 1938 – 1945
  • The fates of the Jews of Slovakia in the ghettoes and in the labour, concentration and extermination camps
  • Jews in the resistance struggle
  • Micro-historical perspectives and case studies connected with the given themes.

Deadline for sending abstracts: 30 June 2021

We ask contributors to send abstracts to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for sending completed papers: 31 August 2021

We ask the contributors to send their papers in the Slovak, Czech or English language to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com


The Historický Časopis calls on interested people to send contributions to the planned one-theme issue, year 69, number 3/2021 on the theme: The role of money in the history of Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the present. Eduard Kubů and Ľudovít Hallon will be the guest editors of the issue.

Experts from the Slovak and international community of historians concerned with this theme should contribute to the planned issue.

The project offers a very wide range of themes, including:

The fiscal and budgetary policy of the state;

  • The fiscal arrangements of regional authorities (local government unions, towns, districts, villages);
  • The fiscal arrangements of individual types of economic entity according to structure and character;
  • Modern tax and payment systems;
  • Prices, wages and inflation processes in long-term perspective
  • Currency systems and forms of cash through time;
  • Financial institutions, central banking, commercial banking, insurance;
  • The person in the history of money and financial processes (economic and financial elites, bureaucrats, businessmen).

Deadline for sending abstracts: 30 March 2021

We ask contributors to send abstracts to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com

Deadline for sending completed papers: 15 May 2021

We ask the contributors to send their papers in the Slovak, Czech or English language to the e-mail address: histcaso@gmail.com


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Historický časopis - Virtuálne študovne

Historical Journal, 1953 - 2024 / Design by Mgr. Peter Krákorník
Volume 72 * 2024